Sion's minimax theorem

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In mathematics, and in particular game theory, Sion's minimax theorem is a generalization of John von Neumann's minimax theorem, named after Maurice Sion.

It states:

Let be a compact convex subset of a linear topological space and a convex subset of a linear topological space. If is a real-valued function on with

upper semicontinuous and quasi-concave on , , and
lower semicontinuous and quasi-convex on ,


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In mathematics, the uniform boundedness principle or Banach–Steinhaus theorem is one of the fundamental results in functional analysis. Together with the Hahn–Banach theorem and the open mapping theorem, it is considered one of the cornerstones of the field. In its basic form, it asserts that for a family of continuous linear operators whose domain is a Banach space, pointwise boundedness is equivalent to uniform boundedness in operator norm.

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In the mathematical area of game theory, a minimax theorem is a theorem providing conditions that guarantee that the max–min inequality is also an equality. The first theorem in this sense is von Neumann's minimax theorem from 1928, which was considered the starting point of game theory. Since then, several generalizations and alternative versions of von Neumann's original theorem have appeared in the literature.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Game without a value</span>

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This is a glossary for the terminology in a mathematical field of functional analysis.
