Smother crop

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Alfalfa is used as a smother crop. Cultivo de alfalfa en el valle del Chubut 11.JPG
Alfalfa is used as a smother crop.

A smother crop is a thick, rapidly growing crop that is used to suppress or stop the growth of weeds which have better root systems that help them compete with weeds for water and as a result, the root systems of weeds get weak. Meanwhile, the dense top growth of the smother crop suppresses the top growth of weeds. Effectively, smother crops successfully compete with weeds for vital resources (growth, space, water, light) and inhibit their germination and growth. [1] Once the smother crop has served its purpose, it is ploughed under along with the weakened weeds, thus providing green fertilizer. [2] A good smother crop must compete strongly with weeds but minimally with the crop. Smother crops reduce dependence on chemical weed control, [3] and are sometimes used in the transition to organic farming. [4]

Secondary benefits of such crops include helping nitrogen fixation in soil (if legumes are used) and reducing soil erosion.

Alfalfa, hemp, rye, buckwheat, sorghum, Sudan grass, foxtail millet, sweetclover, marigold, silage corn are some examples of smother crops. [2] [5]

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Mechanical weed control is a physical activity that inhibits unwanted plant growth. Mechanical, or manual, weed control techniques manage weed populations through physical methods that remove, injure, kill, or make the growing conditions unfavorable. Some of these methods cause direct damage to the weeds through complete removal or causing a lethal injury. Other techniques may alter the growing environment by eliminating light, increasing the temperature of the soil, or depriving the plant of carbon dioxide or oxygen. Mechanical control techniques can be either selective or non-selective. A selective method has very little impact on non-target plants where as a non-selective method affects the entire area that is being treated. If mechanical control methods are applied at the optimal time and intensity, some weed species may be controlled or even eradicated.


  1. Dinesh Kumar (Aug 20, 2008), Definitional Glossary of Agricultural Terms, Volume 1, I. K. International Pvt Ltd, p. 252
  2. 1 2 Tony Winch (Sep 27, 2007), Growing Food: A Guide to Food Production, Springer Science & Business Media, p. 54
  3. Ernest Small (2011), Alfalfa and Relatives: Evolution and Classification of Medicago, NRC Research Press, p. 13
  4. Wedryk, Stephanie; Cardina, John (2017). "Smother Crop Mixtures for Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense) Suppression in Organic Transition". Weed Science. 60 (4): 618–623. doi:10.1614/WS-D-11-00140.1. ISSN   0043-1745. S2CID   86637263.
  5. M. D. Shenk (1994), "Cultural practices for weed management", Weed Management for Developing Countries, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, p. 166

See also