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Sothern is a surname, and may refer to:

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Taube is a surname. It may refer to:

Slezak is a Czech, Slovak and Polish surname, which originally meant a person from Silesia, derived from the Czech word slezsko. Variants of the name include Ślązak, Slezák, Ślęzak, Slenzak, and Szlezák. The name may refer to:

Yarborough or Yarbrough are related English toponymic surnames. They originated from Yarburgh (Yarborough) in Lincolnshire, named from the Old English habitational or topographic name eorðburg ‘earthworks’, ‘fortifications’,. Variants include Yerberg, Yarburgh, Yarboro and other forms.

Vokes is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:

Dennehy is a surname of Irish origin. The original form in Irish is Ó Duineachdha, meaning descendant of Duineachaidh, who was a chieftain who fought the Danes in Limerick in 934. The name may mean "humane", or may mean "man from the fairy hills". Spelling variations include Denehy, Dennehey, Denehey, Danahy, Deniehy, and Denahy. The name may refer to:

Schaefer is an alternative spelling and cognate for the German word schäfer, meaning 'shepherd', which itself descends from the Old High German scāphare. Variants "Shaefer", "Schäfer", the additional alternative spelling "Schäffer", and the anglicised forms "Schaeffer", "Schaffer", "Shaffer", "Shafer", and "Schafer" are all common surnames.

Keaton is an Old English surname derived from a place name meaning "place of hawks" less common as a given name.

McDaniel is a surname. It may refer to:

Weisz is a Hungarian surname of German and Jewish origin. Notable people with the surname include:

Flood is a traditional Irish and Scottish surname and may refer to:

Bianco is an Italian surname meaning "white". Notable people with the surname include:

Mullally or Mulally or Mullaly or Mulaly is a surname of Irish origin thought to have originated from County Galway where it has since been shortened to the form of Lally.

Durkin is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:

McGlynn is an Irish surname. Notable persons with the name include:

Lenoir or LeNoire is a surname that may refer to:

Sterling is the most basic English surname. One source attributes this surname as contraction of Easterling, "a name given to Hanse merchants" and nothing more than a compass point-associated name. A second suggest that this was a nickname after the sterling coin of Middle English.

Southern is an English surname. Notable people with the surname include:

Witt is a surname. People with this surname include:

De Wolfe, DeWolfe, or de Volfe is a surname.

Carlon is a given name and surname. Notable people referred to by this name include the following: