Southern Baptist traditionalism

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Southern Baptist traditionalism, also called Traditional Southern Baptist soteriology [1] [2] [3] , Traditionalism [4] [5] [6] or Provisionism [5] [7] [8] [9] are terms used to refer to the view of salvation commonly held within the Southern Baptist Convention. This view aligns neither with Classical Arminianism or Calvinism as it is distinguished from Arminianism by denying the Arminian doctrine of prevenient grace and the plausibility of losing one's salvation by teaching eternal security, while it differs from Calvinism by affirming libertarian free will and due to a denial of unconditional election. [10] [11] The view thus teaches that every man is able to respond positively to God's provision for mankind without a necessary internal change of man's nature happening prior to conversion, viewing the work of the Spirit through the preaching of the gospel as sufficient to enable a person to respond to positively to God. [12] [13] [5] [14]

The terminology of it being "Traditional" Southern Baptist soteriology has been criticized due to there already being Calvinist influences within the Southern Baptist Convention early on within its development. [15] [16] However, advocates of the view such as David L. Allen have argued that even though there has always been a Calvinist presence within the SBC, the majority have historically rejected it. [11]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ben Witherington III</span> American religion academic

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Sola gratia, meaning by grace alone, is one of the five solae and consists in the belief that salvation comes by divine grace or "unmerited favor" only, not as something earned or deserved by the sinner. It is a Christian theological doctrine held by some Protestant Christian denominations, in particular the Lutheran and Reformed traditions of Protestantism, propounded to summarise the Protestant Reformers' basic soteriology during the Reformation. In addition, salvation by grace is taught by the Catholic Church: "By the grace of God, we are saved through our faith; this faith entails by its very nature, good works, always enabled by prior grace, without which this faith is dead."


  1. Allen, David L.; Hankins, Eric; Harwood, Adam (2016-09-15). Anyone Can Be Saved: A Defense of "Traditional" Southern Baptist Soteriology. Wipf and Stock Publishers. ISBN   978-1-4982-8515-5.
  2. Hankins, Eric (2012). "A Statement Of The Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding Of God's Plan Of Salvation". Journal for Baptist Theology & Ministry. 9 (2). Archived from the original on 2021-04-11. Retrieved 2024-03-23.
  3. "Statement on Calvinism draws approval, criticism • Biblical Recorder". Biblical Recorder. Retrieved 2024-03-26.
  4. "I Am A Traditionalist". SBC Voices. 2012-05-31. Retrieved 2024-03-26.
  5. 1 2 3 Flowers, Leighton (2017-01-20). The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology. Trinity Academic Press. ISBN   978-0-692-56184-3.
  6. Humphreys, Fisher; Robertson, Paul E. (2000). God So Loved the World: Traditional Baptists and Calvinism. Insight Press. ISBN   978-0-914520-42-9.
  7. "In upcoming debate, former Calvinist brings 'provisionism' to clash with skillful White". American Family News. Archived from the original on 2024-03-08. Retrieved 2024-03-23.
  8. "Do People Have Free Will? Why Calvinism Falls Short, Provisionism With Dr. Leighton Flowers And Slaveck Moraru | Christianity Culture". 2022-03-04. Archived from the original on 2023-07-16. Retrieved 2024-03-23.
  9. Holmes, Brian S. (2020-08-31). The Empowered Christian Road Map: A Guide for Evangelicals: 8 Key Principles for Unswerving Faith, Laser-Focused Direction, and a Life Driven by Purpose and Action. MPowered Christian Publishing. ISBN   978-1-7352423-3-0.
  10. Flowers, Leighton (2019-03-05). God's Provision for All: A Defense of God's Goodness. Trinity Academic Press. ISBN   978-1-7328963-0-7.
  11. 1 2 Allen, David L.; Hankins, Eric; Harwood, Adam (2016-09-15). Anyone Can Be Saved: A Defense of "Traditional" Southern Baptist Soteriology. Wipf and Stock Publishers. ISBN   978-1-4982-8516-2.
  12. Humphreys, Fisher; Robertson, Paul E. (2000). God So Loved the World: Traditional Baptists and Calvinism. Insight Press. ISBN   978-0-914520-42-9.
  13. admin. "Southern Baptists and God's Plan of Salvation - Credo Magazine". Archived from the original on 2023-03-24. Retrieved 2024-03-23.
  14. Wilkin, Bob (2024-03-06). "Is Provisionism the Same as Focused Free Grace? – Grace Evangelical Society" . Retrieved 2024-03-23.
  15. "Exclusive Claims on Traditional Southern Baptist Soteriology?". SBC Voices. 2012-06-01. Archived from the original on 2023-12-09. Retrieved 2024-03-23.
  16. jamzth (2012-06-01). "Response to "A Statement of Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God's Plan of Salvation." Part 3". Founders Ministries. Archived from the original on 2023-01-27. Retrieved 2024-03-23.