Special meaning

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Special meaning when used formally refers to the fixed or restricted interpretation of certain words or phrases allowed in certain matters.

United Kingdom

In the jurisdictions of the United Kingdom, certain words or phrases are interpreted in their particular context as having only the meaning or meanings allowed by relevant statute, regulation or case law:

'In these Guidelines a number of terms are used which are intended to have a special meaning for the purpose of the Guidelines.'

[Guidelines on the Meaning of Research and Development for Tax Purposes - issued by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Trade and Industry for the purposes of Section 837A Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988.] [1]

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Paul Nation is an internationally recognized scholar in the field of linguistics and teaching methodology. As a professor in the field of applied linguistics with a specialization in pedagogical methodology, he has been able to create a language teaching framework to identify key areas of language teaching focus. Paul Nation is best known for this framework, which has been labelled The Four Strands. He has also made notable contributions through his research in the field of language acquisition that focuses on the benefits of extensive reading and repetition as well as intensive reading. Nation's numerous contributions to the linguistics research community through his published work has allowed him to share his knowledge and experience so that others may adopt and adapt it. He is credited with bringing « legitimization to second language vocabulary researches » in 1990.


  1. "Guidelines on the Meaning of Research and Development for Tax Purposes" (PDF). 2004-03-05. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2019-07-24.