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Stavros Tavoularis from the University of Ottawa, was awarded the status of Fellow [1] in the American Physical Society, [2] after they were nominated by their Division of Fluid Dynamics in 2007, [3] for contributions to turbulence, turbulent mixing, vortex dynamics, aerodynamics, thermo-hydraulics, bio-fluid dynamics, and design of flow apparatus and instrumentation. Also, for contributions to education in fluid dynamics and for promoting international collaboration and understanding.
Anatol Roshko was a Canadian-born physicist and engineer. He was the Theodore von Kármán Professor of Aeronautics, Emeritus, at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.
The Fluid Dynamics Prize is a prize that has been awarded annually by the American Physical Society (APS) since 1979. The recipient is chosen for "outstanding achievement in fluid dynamics research". The prize is currently valued at US$10,000. In 2004, the Otto Laporte Award—another APS award on fluid dynamics—was merged into the Fluid Dynamics Prize.
John Francis Brady is an American chemical engineer and the Chevron Professor of Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology. He is a fluid mechanician and creator of the Stokesian dynamics method for simulating suspensions of spheres and ellipsoids in low Reynolds number flows. He is an elected fellow of the American Physical Society, a fellow of the Society of Rheology, as well as a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Mikkel Borlaug Johnson is an American physicist.
Alan D. English of the DuPont Corporation was an American physicist.
David Wixon Pratt is an American physicist, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh.
Stephen B. Pope is the Sibley College Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Cornell University.
Alessandro G. Ruggiero from the Brookhaven National Laboratory, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after he was nominated by the Division of Physics of Beams in 1998, for contributions to accelerator theory, including instabilities and nonlinear dynamics; to accelerator complex designs notably the Antiproton Source and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider; and to accelerator architecture investigation of Spallation Neutron Sources.
Rob Duncan Coalson from the University of Pittsburgh, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Chemical Physics in 1999, for novel contributions to the theory of condensed phase quantum dynamics, including computational methodology and applications to optical spectroscopy and electron transfer; and for theoretical insights into macroion electrostatics, with applications to colloidal suspensions and crystals.
Roderick V. Jensen from the Wesleyan University, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Materials Physics in 2000, for pioneering contributions to the understanding of strongly perturbed quantum systems that are classically chaotic, like Rydberg atoms in strong fields, and for the extension of the methods of nonlinear dynamics across many disciplines, from atomic physics and mesoscopic solid-state physics to biophysics and neuros.
James Michael Lisy is an American physicist.
Robert William Bilger was a South African born Australian engineer.
Sivaramakrishnan Balachandar is a professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Sivaramakrishnan is an American physicist, a Distinguished Professor and William F. Powers Professor at University of Florida.
Robert Krasny from the University of Michigan, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after he was nominated by his Division of Fluid Dynamics in 2007, for "his many achievements in advancing particle methods and tree-code algorithms to allow exceptionally precise computations of vortex dynamics, and his insightful use of the resulting methods to increase the fundamental understanding of regular and chaotic phenomena in fluid flows." In 2012 he became one of the inaugural fellows of the American Mathematical Society.
Albert Stolow is a Canadian physicist. He is the Canada Research Chair in Molecular Photonics, full professor of chemistry & biomolecular sciences and of physics, and a member of the Ottawa Institute for Systems Biology at the University of Ottawa. He is the founder and an ongoing member of the Molecular Photonics Group at the National Research Council of Canada. He is adjunct professor of Chemistry and of Physics at Queen's University in Kingston, and a Graduate Faculty Scholar in the department of physics, University of Central Florida and a Fellow of the Max-Planck-uOttawa Centre for Extreme and Quantum Photonics. In 2008, he was elected a Fellow in the American Physical Society, nominated by its Division of Chemical Physics in 2008, for contributions to ultrafast laser science as applied to molecular physics, including time-resolved studies of non-adiabatic dynamics in excited molecules, non-perturbative quantum control of molecular dynamics, and dynamics of polyatomic molecules in strong laser fields. In 2008, Stolow won the Keith Laidler Award of the Canadian Society for Chemistry, for a distinguished contribution to the field of physical chemistry, recognizing early career achievement. In 2009, he was elected a Fellow of the Optical Society of America for the application of ultrafast optical techniques to molecular dynamics and control, in particular, studies of molecules in strong laser fields and the development of new methods of optical quantum control. In 2013, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (Canada). In 2017, Stolow was awarded the Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics of the American Physical Society for the development of methods for probing and controlling ultrafast dynamics in polyatomic molecules, including time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and imaging, strong field molecular ionization, and dynamic Stark quantum control. In 2018, Stolow was awarded the John C. Polanyi Award of the Canadian Society for Chemistry “for excellence by a scientist carrying out research in Canada in physical, theoretical or computational chemistry or chemical physics”. In 2020, he became Chair of the Division of Chemical Physics of the American Physical Society. His group's research interests include ultrafast molecular dynamics and quantum control, time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and imaging, strong field & attosecond physics of polyatomic molecules, and coherent non-linear optical microscopy of live cells/tissues, materials and geological samples. In 2020, Stolow launched a major new high power ultrafast laser facility at the University of Ottawa producing high energy, phase-controlled few-cycle pulses of 2 micron wavelength at 10 kHz repetition rate. These are used for High Harmonic Generation to produce bright ultrafast Soft X-ray pulses for a new Ultrafast Xray Science Laboratory.
Bamin Khomami, the Granger and Beaman Distinguished University Professor from the University of Tennessee and former Francis F. Ahmann Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Illinois, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Fluid Dynamics in 2009, for his insightful application of novel numerical methods, molecular modeling, and experiments toward the physical understanding of elastic fluid flows including discovering and explaining novel aspects of their purely elastic and thermomechanical instability.
Eric Borguet from the Temple University, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Chemical Physics in 2009, for "his seminal contributions to our understanding of optical, molecular and electronic phenomena at buried interfaces, complex interfaces, and nanosystems; and for the development of novel experimental tools and methodologies, particularly the development of fluorescent labeling of surface species."
James G. Brasseur from the Pennsylvania State University, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after he was nominated by the Division of Fluid Dynamics in 2009, for advancements in knowledge of nonclassical interscale interactions in turbulence and in large-eddy simulation of the high Reynolds number boundary layer, and for interdisciplinary contributions to gastro-intestinal medicine by integrating physiology, mechanics, and mathematical modeling.
Jens G. Eggers from the University of Bristol, was awarded the status of Fellow in the American Physical Society, after they were nominated by their Division of Fluid Dynamics in 2009, for applications of the ideas of singularities to free-boundary problems such as jet breakup, drop formation, air entrainment, thin-film dynamics including wetting, dewetting and contact line motions, and with further applications to polymeric flows and models for granular dynamics.
Fotis Sotiropoulos is a Greek-born American engineering professor and university administrator known for his research contributions in computational fluid dynamics for river hydrodynamics, renewable energy, biomedical and biological applications. He currently serves as the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs of Virginia Commonwealth University, a position he has held since August 1, 2021