Stefan Herbrechter

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Stefan Herbrechter is a freelance writer, academic, researcher and translator. Until 2014, he was Reader in Cultural Theory and Director of Postgraduate Studies (Media) at Coventry University. In 2015, he was a Senior Fellow at the IKKM in Weimar. Currently, he is a research fellow at Coventry University, Leeds Trinity University and Privatdozent at Heidelberg University.


He is the author and editor of a number of volumes, articles and contributions on literature, critical and cultural theory and cultural studies. Together with Ivan Callus, University of Malta he is editor and author of Critical Posthumanisms. [1] He is also one of the co-directors of the Critical Posthumanism Network.

Selected awards/grants

Authored and Co-Authored Monographs

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (selection)

Edited Essay Collections and Edited Journal Issues
