Store-passing style

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Store-passing style is a programming technique that is used to model mutable state without using mutable state. [1] [2] It generally arises in the conversion of imperative programs into purely functional ones.

So, for instance, consider this JavaScript program, written in a non-store-passing-style:

varlastWasA=false// a treebin represents a binary tree of strings.// a treebin is either// - a string, or// - {l : <treebin>, r: <treebin>}// does an in-order traversal of this tree's// leaves contain an 'a' followed by a 'b'?functionaThenB(treebin){if(typeof(treebin)==="string"){if(treebin==="a"){lastWasA=true;returnfalse;}elseif(treebin==="b"){if(lastWasA){returntrue;}else{lastWasA=false;returnfalse;}}else{lastWasA=false;returnfalse;}}else{// not a string, must be an internal node:return((aThenB(treebin.l))||(aThenB(treebin.r)));}}

This contains a reference to a global variable. In store-passing style, the value of the global variable (or variables) is passed along to each call, and also returned from each call and threaded through the next call. The code might look like this:

functionaThenB(treebin,lastWasA){if(typeof(treebin)==="string"){if(treebin==="a"){return{result:false,lastWasA:true};}elseif(treebin==="b"){if(lastWasA){return{result:true,lastWasA:false};}}else{return{result:false,lastWasA:false};}}else{// not a string, must be an internal node:varleftCall=aThenB(treebin.l,lastWasA);if(leftCall.result){return{result:true,lastWasA:false}}else{returnaThenB(treebin.r,leftCall.lastWasA);}}}

Note that each call takes an extra argument, and two values are now returned; the ordinary return value, and a new value representing the state of the formerly mutable variable.

Store-passing style can be quite painful to write, but can help to eliminate race conditions by isolating state within function calls, and can potentially make code more parallelizable.

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  1. Friedman, Daniel; Wand, Mitchell (April 2008). Essentials of Programming Languages (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: MIT Press. ISBN   978-0262062794.
  2. Krishnamurthi, Shriram (November 2012). Programming Languages, Application and Interpretation (2nd ed.). self-published. Retrieved 10 February 2016.