Structural alignment software

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This list of structural comparison and alignment software is a compilation of software tools and web portals used in pairwise or multiple structural comparison and structural alignment.

Structural comparison and alignment

ARTEMIS [1] Topology-independent superposition of RNA/DNA 3D structures and structure-based sequence alignmentAllAPairNo download Bohdan D.R.; Bujnicki J.M.; Baulin E.F.2024
ARTEM [2] [3] Superposition of two arbitrary RNA/DNA 3D structure fragments & 3D motif identificationAllAPairNo download Bohdan D.R.; Voronina V.V.; Bujnicki J.M.; Baulin E.F.2023
foldseek [4] Fast and accurate protein structure alignment and visualisationSeqPairYes server download M. van Kempen & S. Kim & C. Tumescheit & M. Mirdita & J. Lee & C. Gilchrist & J. Söding & M. Steinegger2023
3decisionProtein structure repository with visualisation and structural analytics toolsSeqMultiYes site P. Schmidtke2015
MAMMOTH MAtching Molecular Models Obtained from TheoryPairNo server download CEM Strauss & AR Ortiz2002
CE Combinatorial ExtensionPairNo server I. Shindyalov2000
CE-MC Combinatorial Extension-Monte CarloMultiNo server C. Guda2004
DaliLite Distance Matrix AlignmentC-MapPairNo server and download L. Holm1993
TM-alignTM-score based protein structure alignment Pairnil server and download Y. Zhang & J. Skolnick2005
mTM-alignMultiple protein structure alignment based on TM-alignMultiNo server and download R. Dong, Z. Peng, Y. Zhang & J. Yang2018
VASTVector Alignment Search ToolSSEPairnil server S. Bryant1996
PrISMProtein Informatics Systems for ModelingSSEMultinil server B. Honig2000
MOE Molecular Operating Environment. Extensive platform for protein and protein-ligand structure modelling.Cα, AllA, SeqMultiNo site Chemical Computing Group2000
SSAP Sequential Structure Alignment ProgramSSEMultiNo server C. Orengo & W. Taylor1989
SARF2Spatial ARrangements of Backbone FragmentsSSEPairnil server N. Alexandrov1996
KENOBI/K2NASSEPairnil server Z. Weng2000
STAMPSTructural Alignment of Multiple ProteinsMultiNo download server R. Russell & G. Barton1992
MASSMultiple Alignment by Secondary StructureSSEMultiNo server O. Dror & H. Wolfson2003
SCALIStructural Core ALIgnment of proteinsSeq/C-MapPairnil server download X. Yuan & C. Bystroff2004
DEJAVUNASSEPairnil server GJ. Kleywegt1997
SSMSecondary Structure MatchingSSEMultinil server E. Krissinel2003
SHEBAStructural Homology by Environment-Based AlignmentSeqPairnil server J Jung & B Lee2000
LGA [5] Local-Global Alignment, and Global Distance Test (GDT-TS) structure similarity measureCα, AllA, any atomPairnil server and download A. Zemla2003
POSAPartial Order Structure AlignmentMultiYes server Y. Ye & A. Godzik2005
PyMOL "super" command does sequence-independent 3D alignmentProteinHybridNo site W. L. DeLano2007
FATCATFlexible Structure AlignmenT by Chaining Aligned Fragment Pairs Allowing TwistsPairYes server Y. Ye & A. Godzik2003
deconSTRUCTDatabase search on substructural level and pairwise alignment.SSEMultiNo server ZH. Zhang et al.2010
MatrasMArkovian TRAnsition of protein StructureCα & SSEPairnil server K. Nishikawa2000
MAMMOTH-mult MAMMOTH-based multiple structure alignmentMultiNo server D. Lupyan2005
Protein3DfitNAC-MapPairnil server D. Schomburg1994
PRIDEPRobability of IDEntityPairnil server S. Pongor2002
FASTFAST Alignment and Search ToolPairnil server J. Zhu2004
C-BOPCoordinate-Based Organization of ProteinsN/AMultinil server E. Sandelin2005
ProFitProtein least-squares FittingMultinil server ACR. Martin1996
TOPOFITAlignment as a superimposition of common volumes at a topomax pointPairnil server VA. Ilyin2004
MUSTANGMUltiple STructural AligNment AlGorithmCα & C-MapMultinil download A.S. Konagurthu et al.2006
URMSUnit-vector RMSDPairnil server K. Kedem 2003
LOCKHierarchical protein structure superpositionSSEPairNoNAAP. Singh1997
LOCK 2Improvements over LOCKSSEPairNo download J. Shapiro2003
CBAConsistency Based AlignmentSSEMultinil download J. Ebert2006
TetraDATetrahedral Decomposition AlignmentSSEMultiYesNAJ. Roach2005
STRAPSTRucture based Alignment ProgramMultinil server C. Gille2006
LOVOALIGNLow Order Value Optimization methods for Structural AlignmentPairnil server Andreani et al.2006
GANGSTAGenetic Algorithm for Non-sequential, Gapped protein STructure AlignmentSSE/C-MapPairNo server B. Kolbeck2006
GANGSTA+ Combinatorial algorithm for nonsequential and gapped structural alignmentSSE/C-MapPairNo server A. Guerler & E.W. Knapp2008
MatAlign [6] Protein Structure Comparison by Matrix AlignmentC-MapPairnil site Z. Aung & K.L. Tan2006
VorolignFast structure alignment using Voronoi contactsC-MapMultiYes server F. Birzele et al.2006
EXPRESSOFast Multiple Structural Alignment using T-Coffee and SapMultinil site C. Notredame et al.2007
CAALIGNCα AlignMultinil site T.J. Oldfield2007
YAKUSAInternal Coordinates and BLAST type algorithmPairnil site M. Carpentier et al.2005
BLOMAPSConformation-based alphabet alignmentsMultinil server W-M. Zheng & S. Wang2008
CLEPAPSConformation-based alphabet alignmentsPairnil server W-M. Zheng & S. Wang2008
TALI FTorsion Angle ALIgnmentPairNoNAX. Mioa2006
MolComNAGeometryMultinilNAS.D. O'Hearn2003
MALECONNAGeometryMultinilNAS. Wodak2004
FlexProtFlexible Alignment of Protein StructuresPairYes server M. Shatsky & H. Wolfson2002
MultiProtMultiple Alignment of Protein StructuresGeometryMultiNo server M. Shatsky & H. Wolfson2004
CTSSProtein Structure Alignment Using Local Geometrical FeaturesGeometryPairnil site T. Can2004
CURVENAGeometryMultiNo site D. Zhi2006
MattMultiple Alignment with Translations and TwistsMultiYes server download M. Menke2008
TopMatch [7] Protein structure alignment and visualization of structural similarities; alignment of multiprotein complexesPairNo server download M. Sippl & M. Wiederstein2012
SSGSSecondary Structure Guided SuperimpositionCaPairNo site G. Wainreb et al.2006
MatchprotComparison of protein structures by growing neighborhood alignmentsPairNo server S. Bhattacharya et al.2007
UCSF Chimera see MatchMaker tool and "matchmaker" commandSeq & SSEMultiNo site E. Meng et al.2006
FLASHFast aLignment Algorithm for finding Structural Homology of proteinsSSEPairNoNAE.S.C. Shih & M-J Hwang2003
RAPIDORapid Alignment of Protein structures In the presence of Domain mOvementsPairYes server R. Mosca & T.R. Schneider2008
ComSubstructStructural Alignment based on Differential Geometrical EncodingGeometryPairYes site N. Morikawa2008
ProCKSIProtein (Structure) Comparison, Knowledge, Similarity and InformationOtherPairNo site D. Barthel et al.2007
SARSTStructure similarity search Aided by Ramachandran Sequential TransformationPairnil site W-C. Lo et al.2007
Fr-TM-alignFragment-TM-score based protein structure alignmentPairno site S.B. Pandit & J. Skolnick2008
TOPS+ COMPARISONComparing topological models of protein structures enhanced with ligand informationTopologyPairYes server M. Veeramalai & D. Gilbert2008
TOPS++FATCATFlexible Structure AlignmenT by Chaining Aligned Fragment Pairs Allowing Twists derived from TOPS+ String ModelPairYes server M. Veeramalai et al.2008
MolLocMolecular Local Surface AlignmentSurfPairNo server M.E. Bock et al.2007
FASEFlexible Alignment of Secondary Structure ElementsSSEPairYesNAJ. Vesterstrom & W. R. Taylor2006
SABERTOOTH Protein Structural Alignment based on a vectorial Structure RepresentationPairYes server F. Teichert et al.2007
STONNAPairNo site C. Eslahchi et al.2009
SALIGNSequence-Structure Hybrid MethodSeqMultiNo site M.S. Madhusudhan et al.2007
MAX-PAIRSNAPairNo site A. Poleksic2009
THESEUSMaximum likelihood superpositioningMultiNo site D.L. Theobald & D.S. Wuttke2006
TABLEAUSearchStructural Search and Retrieval using a Tableau Representation of Protein Folding PatternsSSEPairNo server A.S. Konagurthu et al.2008
QP Tableau SearchTableau-based protein substructure search using quadratic programmingSSEPairNo download server A.Stivala et al.2009
ProSMoSProtein Structure Motif SearchSSEPairNo server download S. Shi et al.2007
MISTRALEnergy-based multiple structural alignment of proteinsMultiNo server C. Micheletti & H. Orland2009
MSVNS for MaxCMOA simple and fast heuristic for protein structure comparisonC-MapPairNo site D. Pelta et al.2008
StructalLeast Squares Root Mean Square deviation minimization by dynamic programmingPairNo server download Gerstein & Levitt2005
ProBiS [8] Detection of Structurally Similar Protein Binding Sites by Local Structural AlignmentSurfPairYes server download J. Konc & D. Janezic2010
ALADYNDynamics-based Alignment: superposing proteins by matching their collective movementsPairNo server Potestio et al.2010
SWAPSCSliding Window Analysis Procedure for detecting Selective Constraints for analysing genetic data structured for a family or phylogenetic tree using constraints in protein-coding sequence alignments.SeqMultiyes Server Mario A. Fares2004
SA Tableau SearchFast and accurate protein substructure searching with simulated annealing and GPUsSSEPairNo download server A.Stivala et al.2010
RCSB PDB Protein Comparison ToolProvides CE, FATCAT, CE variation for Circular Permutations, Sequence AlignmentsPairyes server download A. Prlic et al.2010
CSRMaximal common 3D motif; non-parametric; outputs pairwise correspondence; works also on small moleculesSSE or CαPairNo server download M. Petitjean1998
EpitopeMatchdiscontinuous structure matching; induced fit consideration; flexible geometrical and physicochemical specificity definition; transplantation of similar spatial arrangements of amino acid residuesCα-AllAMultiYes download S. Jakuschev2011
CLICKTopology-independent 3D structure comparisonSSE & Cα & SASAPairYes server M. Nguyen2011
SmolignSpatial motifs based protein structural alignmentSSE & C-MapMultiYes download H. Sun2010
3D-BlastComparing three-dimensional shape-densityDensityPairNo server L. Mavridis et al.2011
DEDALDEscriptor Defined ALignmentSSE & Cα & C-MapPairYes server P. Daniluk & B. Lesyng2011
msTALImultiple sTructure ALIgnmentCα & Dihed & SSE & SurfMultiYes server P. Shealy & H. Valafar2012
mulPBAmultiple PB sequence alignmentPBMultiYesNAA.P. Joseph et al.2012
SAS-ProSimiltaneous Alignment and Superimposition of PROteins ???PairYes server Shah & Sahinidis2012
MIRAGE-alignMatch Index based structural alignment methodSSE & PPEPairNo website K. Hung et al.2012
SPalign Structure Pairwise alignmentPairNo server download Y. Yang et al.2012
Kpax [9] Fast Pairwise or Multiple Alignments using Gaussian OverlapOtherPairYes website D.W. Ritchie2016
DeepAlign [10] Protein structure alignment beyond spatial proximity (evolutionary information and hydrogen-bonding are taken into consideration)Cα + SeqPairNo download server S. Wang and J. Xu2013
3DCOMB [11] extension of DeepAlignMultiNo download server S. Wang and J. Xu2012
TS-AMIR [12] A topology string alignment method for intensive rapid protein structure comparisonSSE & CαPairNoNAJ. Razmara et al.2012
MICAN [13] MICAN can handle Multiple-chains, Inverse alignments, C α only models, Alternative alignments, and Non-sequential alignmentsPairNo download S.Minami et al.2013
SPalignNS [14] Structure Pairwise alignment Non-SequentialPairNo server download P. Brown et al.2015
Fit3D [15] highly accurate screening for small structural motifs featuring definition of position-specific exchanges, detection of intra- and inter-molecular occurrences, definition of arbitrary atoms used for motif alignmentAllA, CαMultiNo server download F. Kaiser et al.2015
MMLigner [16] Bayesian statistical inference of alignments based on information theory and compression.PairYes server download J. Collier et al.2017
RCSB PDB strucmotif-search [17] Small structural motifs search that takes seconds to run on 180k or more structures, with nucleic acid & bioassembly supportAllAMultiNo server/documentation download S. Bittrich et al.2020

Key map:

  • -- Backbone Atom (Cα) Alignment;
  • AllA -- All Atoms Alignment;
  • SSE -- Secondary Structure Elements Alignment;
  • Seq -- Sequence-based alignment
  • Pair -- Pairwise Alignment (2 structures *only*);
  • Multi -- Multiple Structure Alignment (MStA);
  • C-Map -- Contact Map
  • Surf -- Connolly Molecular Surface Alignment
  • SASA -- Solvent Accessible Surface Area
  • Dihed -- Dihedral Backbone Angles
  • PB -- Protein Blocks
  • No -- Only rigid-body transformations are considered between the structures being compared.
  • Yes -- The method allows for some flexibility within the structures being compared, such as movements around hinge regions.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sequence alignment</span> Process in bioinformatics that identifies equivalent sites within molecular sequences

In bioinformatics, a sequence alignment is a way of arranging the sequences of DNA, RNA, or protein to identify regions of similarity that may be a consequence of functional, structural, or evolutionary relationships between the sequences. Aligned sequences of nucleotide or amino acid residues are typically represented as rows within a matrix. Gaps are inserted between the residues so that identical or similar characters are aligned in successive columns. Sequence alignments are also used for non-biological sequences such as calculating the distance cost between strings in a natural language, or to display financial data.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Protein structure prediction</span> Type of biological prediction

Protein structure prediction is the inference of the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its amino acid sequence—that is, the prediction of its secondary and tertiary structure from primary structure. Structure prediction is different from the inverse problem of protein design. Protein structure prediction is one of the most important goals pursued by computational biology; it is important in medicine and biotechnology.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Structural alignment</span> Aligning molecular sequences using sequence and structural information

Structural alignment attempts to establish homology between two or more polymer structures based on their shape and three-dimensional conformation. This process is usually applied to protein tertiary structures but can also be used for large RNA molecules. In contrast to simple structural superposition, where at least some equivalent residues of the two structures are known, structural alignment requires no a priori knowledge of equivalent positions. Structural alignment is a valuable tool for the comparison of proteins with low sequence similarity, where evolutionary relationships between proteins cannot be easily detected by standard sequence alignment techniques. Structural alignment can therefore be used to imply evolutionary relationships between proteins that share very little common sequence. However, caution should be used in using the results as evidence for shared evolutionary ancestry because of the possible confounding effects of convergent evolution by which multiple unrelated amino acid sequences converge on a common tertiary structure.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Structural bioinformatics</span> Bioinformatics subfield

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In molecular biology, protein threading, also known as fold recognition, is a method of protein modeling which is used to model those proteins which have the same fold as proteins of known structures, but do not have homologous proteins with known structure. It differs from the homology modeling method of structure prediction as it is used for proteins which do not have their homologous protein structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), whereas homology modeling is used for those proteins which do. Threading works by using statistical knowledge of the relationship between the structures deposited in the PDB and the sequence of the protein which one wishes to model.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Protein contact map</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Multiple sequence alignment</span> Alignment of more than two molecular sequences

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In bioinformatics, the root mean square deviation of atomic positions, or simply root mean square deviation (RMSD), is the measure of the average distance between the atoms (usually the backbone atoms) of superimposed molecules. In the study of globular protein conformations, one customarily measures the similarity in three-dimensional structure by the RMSD of the Cα atomic coordinates after optimal rigid body superposition.

T-Coffee is a multiple sequence alignment software using a progressive approach. It generates a library of pairwise alignments to guide the multiple sequence alignment. It can also combine multiple sequences alignments obtained previously and in the latest versions can use structural information from PDB files (3D-Coffee). It has advanced features to evaluate the quality of the alignments and some capacity for identifying occurrence of motifs (Mocca). It produces alignment in the aln format (Clustal) by default, but can also produce PIR, MSF, and FASTA format. The most common input formats are supported.

Nucleic acid structure prediction is a computational method to determine secondary and tertiary nucleic acid structure from its sequence. Secondary structure can be predicted from one or several nucleic acid sequences. Tertiary structure can be predicted from the sequence, or by comparative modeling.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Trefoil knot fold</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Protein domain</span> Self-stable region of a proteins chain that folds independently from the rest

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Non-coding RNAs have been discovered using both experimental and bioinformatic approaches. Bioinformatic approaches can be divided into three main categories. The first involves homology search, although these techniques are by definition unable to find new classes of ncRNAs. The second category includes algorithms designed to discover specific types of ncRNAs that have similar properties. Finally, some discovery methods are based on very general properties of RNA, and are thus able to discover entirely new kinds of ncRNAs.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Protein tandem repeats</span>

An array of protein tandem repeats is defined as several adjacent copies having the same or similar sequence motifs. These periodic sequences are generated by internal duplications in both coding and non-coding genomic sequences. Repetitive units of protein tandem repeats are considerably diverse, ranging from the repetition of a single amino acid to domains of 100 or more residues.


  1. Bohdan D.R.; Bujnicki J.M.; Baulin E.F. (2024). "ARTEMIS - a method for topology-independent superposition of RNA 3D structures and structure-based sequence alignment". bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2024.04.06.588371 .{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. Bohdan D.R.; Voronina V.V.; Bujnicki J.M.; Baulin E.F. (2023). "A comprehensive survey of long-range tertiary interactions and motifs in non-coding RNA structures". Nucleic Acids Research. 51 (16): 8367–8382. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad605 . PMC   10484739 . PMID   37471030.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  3. Baulin E.F.; Bohdan D.R.; Kowalski D.; Serwatka M.; Świerczyńska J.; Żyra Z.; Bujnicki J.M. (2024). "ARTEM: a method for RNA tertiary motif identification with backbone permutations, and its example application to kink-turn-like motifs". bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2024.05.31.596898 .{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  4. van Kempen M.; Kim S.; Tumescheit C.; Mirdita M.; Lee J.; Gilchrist C.; Söding J.; Steinegger M. (2023). "Fast and accurate protein structure search with Foldseek" (PDF). Nature Biotechnology. 42 (2): 243–246. doi:10.1038/s41587-023-01773-0.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. Zemla A (2003). "LGA: A method for finding 3D similarities in protein structures". Nucleic Acids Research. 31 (13): 3370–3374. doi:10.1093/nar/gkg571. PMC   168977 . PMID   12824330.
  6. Aung, Zeyar; Kian-Lee Tan (Dec 2006). "MatAlign: Precise protein structure comparison by matrix alignment". Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 4 (6): 1197–216. doi:10.1142/s0219720006002417. PMID   17245810.
  7. Sippl, M.; Wiederstein, M. (2012). "Detection of spatial correlations in protein structures and molecular complexes". Structure. 20 (4): 718–728. doi:10.1016/j.str.2012.01.024. PMC   3320710 . PMID   22483118.
  8. Janez Konc; Dušanka Janežič (2010). "ProBiS algorithm for detection of structurally similar protein binding sites by local structural alignment". Bioinformatics. 26 (9): 1160–1168. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq100. PMC   2859123 . PMID   20305268.
  9. Ritchie, David W. (September 2016). "Calculating and scoring high quality multiple flexible protein structure alignments". Bioinformatics. 32 (17): 2650–2658. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw300 . PMID   27187202.
  10. Wang, Sheng; Jianzhu Ma; Jian Peng; Jinbo Xu (March 2013). "Protein structure alignment beyond spatial proximity". Scientific Reports. 3: 1448. Bibcode:2013NatSR...3E1448W. doi:10.1038/srep01448. PMC   3596798 . PMID   23486213.
  11. Wang, Sheng; Jian Peng; Jinbo Xu (Sep 2011). "Alignment of distantly related protein structures: algorithm, bound and implications to homology modeling". Bioinformatics. 27 (18): 2537–45. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr432. PMC   3167051 . PMID   21791532.
  12. Razmara, Jafar; Safaai Deris; Sepideh Parvizpour (Feb 2012). "TS-AMIR: a topology string alignment method for intensive rapid protein structure comparison". Algorithms for Molecular Biology. 7 (4): 4. doi: 10.1186/1748-7188-7-4 . PMC   3298807 . PMID   22336468.
  13. Minami, S.; Sawada K.; Chikenji G. (Jan 2013). "MICAN : a protein structure alignment algorithm that can handle Multiple-chains, Inverse alignments, C α only models, Alternative alignments, and Non-sequential alignments". BMC Bioinformatics. 14 (24): 24. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-14-24 . PMC   3637537 . PMID   23331634.
  14. Brown, P.; Pullan W.; Yang Y.; Zhou Y. (Oct 2015). "Fast and accurate non-sequential protein structure alignment using a new asymmetric linear sum assignment heuristic". Bioinformatics. 32 (3): 370–7. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btv580 . hdl: 10072/101971 . PMID   26454279.
  15. Kaiser, F.; Eisold A.; Bittrich S.; Labudde D. (Oct 2015). "Fit3D: a web application for highly accurate screening of spatial resiudue patterns in protein structure data". Bioinformatics. 32 (5): 792–4. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btv637 . PMID   26519504.
  16. Collier, J.; Allison L.; Lesk A.; Stuckey P.; Garcia de la Banda M.; Konagurthu A. (Apr 2017). "Statistical inference of protein structural alignments using information and compression". Bioinformatics. 33 (7): 1005–13. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw757 . PMID   28065899.
  17. Bittrich S, Burley SK, Rose AS (2020). "Real-time structural motif searching in proteins using an inverted index strategy". PLOS Comput Biol. 16 (12): e1008502. Bibcode:2020PLSCB..16E8502B. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008502 . PMC   7746303 . PMID   33284792.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)