Studies in Natural Language Processing

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Studies in Natural Language Processing is the book series of the Association for Computational Linguistics, published by Cambridge University Press. Steven Bird is the series editor. The editorial board has the following members: Chu-Ren Huang, Chair Professor of Applied Chinese Language Studies in the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies and the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Chris Manning, Associate Professor of Linguistics and Computer Science in the Department of Linguistics and Computer Science (Stanford University), Yuji Matsumoto, Professor of Computational Linguistics in Graduate School of Information Science (Nara Institute of Science and Technology), Maarten de Rijke, Professor of Information Processing and Internet in the Informatics Institute (the University of Amsterdam) and Harold Somers, Professor of Language Engineering(Emeritus)in School of Computer Science (University of Manchester).

Books Currently in Print

Appelt, D.E.1992Planning English Sentences ISBN   0521438039
Asher, N & A Lascarides2003Logics of Conversation ISBN   0521650585
Bates, M. & R.M. Weischedel (eds)1993Challenges in Natural Language Processing ISBN   0521410150
Bosch, P. & R. van der Sandt (eds)1998Focus ISBN   0521583055
Briscoe, T., A. Copestake & V. de Paiva (eds)1994Inheritance, Defaults and the Lexicon ISBN   0521430275
Busa, F. & P. Bouillon (eds)2001The Language of Word Meaning ISBN   0521780489
Cole, R., J. Mariani, H. Uszkoreit, G.B. Varile, A. Zaenen & A. Zampolli (eds)1998Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology ISBN   0521592771
Daelemans, W. & A. van den Bosch2005Memory-Based Language Processing ISBN   0521808901
Dowty, D.R., L. Karttunen & A.M. Zwicky (eds)1985Natural Language Parsing ISBN   0521262038
Grishman, R.1986Computational Linguistics ISBN   0521310385
Hirst, G.1992Semantic Interpretation and the Resolution of Ambiguity ISBN   052142898X
Huang, C., N. Calzolari, A. Gangemi, A. Lenci, A. Oltramari & L. Prevot (eds)2010Ontology and the Lexicon 9780511676536
Kiraz, G.A.2001Computational Nonlinear Morphology ISBN   0521631963
Kornai, A. (ed)1999Extended Finite State Models of Language ISBN   052163198X
Kronfeld, A.1990Reference and Computation ISBN   0521399823
Masterman, M (Y Wilks, ed)2005Language, Cohesion and Form ISBN   0521454891
McKeown, K.R.1992Text Generation ISBN   0521438020
Patten, T.1988Systemic Text Generation as Problem Solving ISBN   052135076X
Rayner, M., D. Carter, P. Bouillon, V. Digalakis & M. Wirén (eds)2000The Spoken Language Translator ISBN   0521770777
Reiter, E. & R. Dale2000Building Natural Language Generation Systems ISBN   0521620368
Rosner, M. & R. Johnson (eds)1992Computational Linguistics and Formal Semantics ISBN   0521429889
Saint-Dizier, P. & E. Viegas (eds)1995Computational Lexical Semantics ISBN   0521444101
Sproat, R.2000A Computational Theory of Writing Systems ISBN   0521663407
Stone Palmer, M.1990Semantic Processing for Finite Domains ISBN   0521362261

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