Subtract with carry

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Subtract-with-carry is a pseudorandom number generator: one of many algorithms designed to produce a long series of random-looking numbers based on a small amount of starting data. It is of the lagged Fibonacci type introduced by George Marsaglia and Arif Zaman in 1991. [1] "Lagged Fibonacci" refers to the fact that each random number is a function of two of the preceding numbers at some specified, fixed offsets, or "lags".


Sequence generated by the subtract-with-carry engine may be described by the recurrence relation:

where .

Constants S and R are known as the short and long lags, respectively. [2] Therefore, expressions and correspond to the S-th and R-th previous terms of the sequence. S and R satisfy the condition . Modulus M has the value , where W is the word size, in bits, of the state sequence and .

The subtract-with-carry engine is one of the family of generators which includes as well add-with-carry and subtract-with-borrow engines. [1]

It is one of three random number generator engines included in the standard C++11 library. [3]

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George Marsaglia was an American mathematician and computer scientist. He is best known for creating the diehard tests, a suite of software for measuring statistical randomness.

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In computational number theory, Marsaglia's theorem connects modular arithmetic and analytic geometry to describe the flaws with the pseudorandom numbers resulting from a linear congruential generator. As a direct consequence, it is now widely considered that linear congruential generators are weak for the purpose of generating random numbers. Particularly, it is inadvisable to use them for simulations with the Monte Carlo method or in cryptographic settings, such as issuing a public key certificate, unless specific numerical requirements are satisfied. Poorly chosen values for the modulus and multiplier in a Lehmer random number generator will lead to a short period for the sequence of random numbers. Marsaglia's result may be further extended to a mixed linear congruential generator.


  1. 1 2 A New Class of Random Number Generators, George Marsaglia and Arif Zaman, The Annals of Applied Probability, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1991
  2. subtract_with_carry_engine Class, Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
  3. std::subtract_with_carry_engine,