Sugarman syndrome

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Sugarman syndrome
Sugarman syndrome has an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance.

Sugarman syndrome is the common name of autosomal recessive oral-facial-digital syndrome type III, one of ten distinct genetic disorders that involve developmental defects to the mouth. [1]

Alternative names for this condition include: Brachydactyly of the hands and feet with duplication of the first toes, Sugarman brachydactyly and Brachydactyly with major proximal phalangeal shortening. [2]

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  1. "Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome". National Organization for Rare Disorders. 2006. Retrieved 2007-04-02.
  2. Office of Rare Diseases (July 19, 2006). "Sugarman Syndrome". National Institutes of Health. Retrieved 2007-04-02.
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