Swaziland National Union of Students

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The Swaziland National Union of Students is a membership-based organisation of students in all higher institutions of learning in Swaziland. It seeks to create a student movement and geared to confront the socio economic and political challenges of the country. The organisation also advocates an education policy that is informed by the economic demands faced by the country and the democratisation of Swazi society. [1] [2] [3] [4]

The Union's President, Brian Sangweni, was elected in 25 February 2017. [5]

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  1. Ndlovu, Hlengiwe (2 February 2010). "Tertiary students abandon classes". The Swazi Observer. Retrieved 25 February 2010.
  2. Ndzimandze, Mbongiseni (5 September 2009). "Students union seeks ministers' ears". The Swazi Observer. Retrieved 25 February 2010.
  3. Ndlovu, Hlengiwe (3 February 2010). "Students deliver petition at PM's office". The Swazi Observer. Retrieved 25 February 2010.
  4. "SNUS Demonstrations". Africa Contact. 15 February 2010. Retrieved 26 February 2010.
  5. "Swazi students elect new leadership during vibrant congress | Newstime Africa". www.newstimeafrica.com. Archived from the original on 2013-03-09.