Target-site overlap

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In a zinc finger protein, certain sequences of amino acid residues are able to recognise and bind to an extended target-site of four or even five nucleotides [1] When this occurs in a ZFP in which the three-nucleotide subsites are contiguous, one zinc finger interferes with the target-site of the zinc finger adjacent to it, a situation known as target-site overlap. For example, a zinc finger containing arginine at position -1 and aspartic acid at position 2 along its alpha-helix will recognise an extended sequence of four nucleotides of the sequence 5'-NNG(G/T)-3'. The hydrogen bond between Asp2 and the N4 of either a cytosine or adenine base paired to the guanine or thymine, respectively defines these two nucleotides at the 3' position, defining a sequence that overlaps into the subsite of any zinc finger that may be attached N-terminally. [2] [3]

Target-site overlap limits the modularity of those zinc fingers which exhibit it, by restricting the number of situations to which they can be applied. If some of the zinc fingers are restricted in this way, then a larger repertoire is required to address the situations in which those zinc fingers cannot be used. [3] Target-site overlap may also affect the selection of zinc fingers during by display, in cases where amino acids on a non-randomised finger, and the bases of its associated subsite, influence the binding of residues on the adjacent finger which contains the randomised residues. Indeed, attempts to derive zinc finger proteins targeting the 5'-(A/T)NN-3' family of sequences by site-directed mutagenesis of finger two of the C7 protein were unsuccessful due to the Asp2 of the third finger of said protein. [4]

The extent to which target-site overlap occurs is largely unknown, with a variety of amino acids having shown involvement in such interactions. [1] When interpreting the zinc finger repertoires presented by investigations using ZFP phage display, it is important to appreciate the effects that the rest of the zinc finger framework may have had in these selections. [3] Since the problem only appears to occur in a limited number of cases, the issue is nullified in most situations in which there are a variety of suitable targets to choose from [2] and only becomes a real issue if binding to a specific DNA sequence is required (e.g. blocking binding by endogenous DNA-binding proteins).

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  1. 1 2 Wolfe SA, Grant RA, Elrod-Erickson M, Pabo CO (2001). "Beyond the "recognition code": structures of two Cys2His2 zinc finger/TATA box complexes". Structure. 9 (8): 717–23. doi: 10.1016/S0969-2126(01)00632-3 . PMID   11587646.
  2. 1 2 Beerli RR, Barbas CF (2002). "Engineering polydactyl zinc-finger transcription factors". Nat. Biotechnol. 20 (2): 135–41. doi:10.1038/nbt0202-135. PMID   11821858. S2CID   12685879.
  3. 1 2 3 Segal DJ, Dreier B, Beerli RR, Barbas CF (1999). "Toward controlling gene expression at will: selection and design of zinc finger domains recognizing each of the 5'-GNN-3' DNA target sequences". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96 (6): 2758–63. Bibcode:1999PNAS...96.2758S. doi: 10.1073/pnas.96.6.2758 . PMC   15842 . PMID   10077584.
  4. Dreier B, Fuller RP, Segal DJ, et al. (2005). "Development of zinc finger domains for recognition of the 5'-CNN-3' family DNA sequences and their use in the construction of artificial transcription factors". J. Biol. Chem. 280 (42): 35588–97. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M506654200 . PMID   16107335.

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