Technical definition

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A technical definition is a definition in technical communication describing or explaining technical terminology. Technical definitions are used to introduce the vocabulary which makes communication in a particular field succinct and unambiguous. For example, the iliac crest from medical terminology is the top ridge of the hip bone (see ).


Types of technical definitions

There are three main types of technical definitions. [1] [ definition needed ]

  1. Power definitions
  2. Secondary definitions
  3. Extended definitions


Aniline, a benzene ring with an amine group, is a versatile chemical used in many organic syntheses.

The genus Helogale (dwarf mongooses) contains two species.

Sentence definitions

These definitions generally appear in three different places: within the text, in margin notes, or in a glossary. Regardless of position in the document, most sentence definitions follow the basic form of term, category, and distinguishing features.


A major scale is a diatonic scale which has the semitone interval pattern 2-2-1-2-2-2-1.

In mathematics, an abelian group is a group which is commutative.

Extended definitions

When a term needs to be explained in great detail and precision, an extended definition is used. They can range in size from a few sentences to many pages. Shorter ones are usually found in the text, and lengthy definitions are placed in a glossary. Relatively complex concepts in mathematics require extended definitions in which mathematical objects are declared (e.g., let x be a real number...) and then restricted by conditions (often signaled by the phrase such that). These conditions often employ the universal and/or existential quantifiers (for all (), there exists ()).

Note: In mathematical definitions, convention dictates the use of the word if between the term to be defined and the definition; however, definitions should be interpreted as though if and only if were used in place of if.


Definition of the limit of a single variable function:

Let be a real-valued function of a real variable and , , and be real numbers. We say that thelimitofasFailed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "http://localhost:6011/":): {\displaystyle x}approachesis (or, tends toasapproaches) and write if, for all , there exists such that whenever satisfies , the inequality holds.

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In mathematics, a bialgebra over a field K is a vector space over K which is both a unital associative algebra and a counital coassociative coalgebra. The algebraic and coalgebraic structures are made compatible with a few more axioms. Specifically, the comultiplication and the counit are both unital algebra homomorphisms, or equivalently, the multiplication and the unit of the algebra both are coalgebra morphisms.

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In mathematics, Hochschild homology (and cohomology) is a homology theory for associative algebras over rings. There is also a theory for Hochschild homology of certain functors. Hochschild cohomology was introduced by Gerhard Hochschild (1945) for algebras over a field, and extended to algebras over more general rings by Henri Cartan and Samuel Eilenberg (1956).

In mathematics, a limit is the value that a function approaches as the argument approaches some value. Limits of functions are essential to calculus and mathematical analysis, and are used to define continuity, derivatives, and integrals. The concept of a limit of a sequence is further generalized to the concept of a limit of a topological net, and is closely related to limit and direct limit in category theory. The limit inferior and limit superior provide generalizations of the concept of a limit which are particularly relevant when the limit at a point may not exist.

In mathematics, in the theory of Hopf algebras, a Hopf algebroid is a generalisation of weak Hopf algebras, certain skew Hopf algebras and commutative Hopf k-algebroids. If k is a field, a commutative k-algebroid is a cogroupoid object in the category of k-algebras; the category of such is hence dual to the category of groupoid k-schemes. This commutative version has been used in 1970-s in algebraic geometry and stable homotopy theory. The generalization of Hopf algebroids and its main part of the structure, associative bialgebroids, to the noncommutative base algebra was introduced by J.-H. Lu in 1996 as a result on work on groupoids in Poisson geometry. They may be loosely thought of as Hopf algebras over a noncommutative base ring, where weak Hopf algebras become Hopf algebras over a separable algebra. It is a theorem that a Hopf algebroid satisfying a finite projectivity condition over a separable algebra is a weak Hopf algebra, and conversely a weak Hopf algebra H is a Hopf algebroid over its separable subalgebra HL. The antipode axioms have been changed by G. Böhm and K. Szlachányi in 2004 for tensor categorical reasons and to accommodate examples associated to depth two Frobenius algebra extensions.


  1. Johnson-Sheehan, R: Technical Communication Today, pages 507-522. Pearson Longman, 2007