Telephone numbers in Nauru

Last updated
Telephone numbers in Nauru
NRU orthographic.svg
Country Nauru
Continent Oceania
NSN lengthseven digits
Access codes
Country code +674
International access 00

Nauru's country code is +674, and the international call prefix is 00. There are seven other numbers in the system.


Telephone ranges

In August 2011, Criden Appi, the Director of Telecommunications (Regulatory), said that Nauru advises "only 556xxxx, 557xxxx, 558xxxx are in use for mobiles and there are no landlines in service". [1] In the ranges, X=0-9, and Y=0-9.

Mobile telephone number ranges

Number rangeService
555 4111
556 XYYY
557 8226
558 XYYY
559 9386
559 6085
999 XYYY

Fixed line area codes

Number rangeLocality
444 XYYY
888 XYYY

Special Numbers

ServiceShort code numbers
Police Emergency Service110
Fire Emergency Service112
Ambulance Emergency Service111
Customer Care123
Directory Enquiries192

See also


  1. "Nauru". Retrieved 2022-01-30.