The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life

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The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life is a conference that takes place once every three years. It was held for the first time in Nyborg, Denmark in 2007. The second and third meetings were in Cork, [1] Ireland (2010) and Budapest, [2] Hungary (2013). The fourth meeting took place in Dublin, Ireland, in July 2016. [3] The 2007 meeting in Nyborg was the first scientific conference to include in its scope the effects of noise on both fish and marine mammals. [4] The third and fourth conferences were each followed by a one-day workshop, respectively the Workshop on International Harmonisation of Approaches to Define Underwater Noise Exposure Criteria and the International Airgun Modelling Workshop: Validation of Source Signature and Sound Propagation Models. A fifth conference was held in 2019, in The Hague, Netherlands.

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