The Mind and the Brain

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The Mind and the Brain
The Mind and the Brain.png
Author Jeffrey M. Schwartz
Sharon Begley
Subject Neuroplasticity
Publisher ReganBooks
Publication date
Publication placeUnited States
ISBN 978-006039355-7

The Mind and the Brain, written by Jeffrey M. Schwartz and Sharon Begley, published in 2002, examines the mind-body problem introduced by Descartes, and attempts to reconcile material determinism with free will, and resolve the conflict between science and moral philosophy. In this effort, the book cites past thinkers such as the Buddha and William James, and discusses research in the areas of neuroplasticity, mindfulness meditation and quantum physics, to support the concept of mental force as a force that can be developed and applied to exercise free will at the quantum level in the brain, to use the power of the mind to shape the brain.


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