The Weapon

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The Weapon may refer to:

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Survivor(s) may refer to:

Rush(es) may refer to:

Unknown or The Unknown may refer to:

Lost may refer to getting lost, or to:

An assassin is a person who commits targeted murder.

Mercy is leniency or compassion. In sport, the mercy rule may be applied.

Intruder may refer to:

Missing or The Missing may refer to:

Inside may refer to:

Trapped may refer to:

Chaos or CHAOS may refer to:

Wonders of the World are lists compiled over the ages that catalogue remarkable natural and man-made constructions.

A secret is information kept hidden.

A sacrifice is the practice of offering food, or the lives of animals or people to the gods, as an act of propitiation or worship.

24 may refer to:

Deception is the hiding or distorting of the truth.

Wanted may refer to:

The Fall may refer to:

Run Baby Run may refer to:

Unlocked may refer to: