Thomas Tomlinson (philosopher)

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Thomas Tomlinson (born 1945) is a philosophy professor and medical ethicist currently teaching at Michigan State University, where he holds a joint appointment in the Lyman Briggs College and the philosophy department.


Tomlinson earned his M.A. and Ph.D in philosophy at Michigan State. [1] He teaches courses on medical ethics, nursing ethics, and veterinary ethics.

Contributions to philosophy

Tomlinson has published widely in medical ethics literature. He is especially interested in resuscitation decisions, organ donation and determinations of death, and ethical aspects of international research. [2]

Professional publications

Tomlinson authored the book Nursing Ethics. [3] In addition, he authored several articles in journals such as The Journal of Medical Ethics , [4] The Journal of Clinical Ethics, [5] The Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, [6] The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy , [7] The Hastings Center Report , [8] Academic Medicine, [9] and The Gerontologist 31. [10]

Selected works

See also

Related Research Articles

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  1. Michigan State University Philosophy Department accessed July 1, (2011)
  2. Michigan State University Philosophy Department accessed July 1, (2011)
  3. Tomlinson, Tom. Nursing Ethics. Western Schools Press, 1993.
  4. Tomlinson, Thomas. “Caring for Risky Patients: Duty or Virtue?” Journal of Medical Ethics, May 2008.
  5. Tomlinson, Thomas.“Telethics and the Virtual Intensivist.” Journal of Clinical Ethics 12 (Spring)
  6. “On Being Genetically ‘Irresponsible’” Judith Andre, Leonard Fleck, Tom Tomlinson. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, June 2000.
  7. “Improving Our Aim.” Judith Andre, Leonard Fleck, Tom Tomlinson. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1999 24(2), 130-147.
  8. Tomlinson, Thomas. "Futility and Hospital Policy," Tom Tomlinson and Diane Czlonka. Hastings Center Report, May–June, 1995.
  9. Kurtz, T. Tomlinson, L. Fleck. Academic Medicine 67; 1992:598-600.
  10. "Ethical Dimensions of Intergenerational Reciprocity: Implications for Practice,"Suzanne Selig, Tom Tomlinson, and Tom Hickey, The Gerontologist 31,1991:624-630.