Thrills Incorporated

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Thrills Incorporated was an Australian science fiction magazine.


Amazing Science Stories

Amazing Science Stories was a British science fiction magazine which published two undated issues in 1951. [1] The publisher was Pemberton's, of Manchester; [1] the editor was not identified, but may have been Stafford Pemberton. [2] The contents included reprints from Thrills Incorporated, and also from Super Science Stories , which had had a British edition, published by Pemberton's. [3]


  1. 1 2 H. W. Hall, ed. (1983). The Science Fiction Magazine Checklist (PDF). Bryan, TX. p. 10. ISBN   0-935064-10-9. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 September 2021.
  2. Ashley, Transformations, p. 320.
  3. Stableford, Brian & Nicholls, Peter, "Amazing Science Stories", in Nicholls/Clute, Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.

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History of US science fiction and fantasy magazines to 1950 Science-fiction and fantasy magazine history

Science-fiction and fantasy magazines began to be published in the United States in the 1920s. Stories with science-fiction themes had been appearing for decades in pulp magazines such as Argosy, but there were no magazines that specialized in a single genre until 1915, when Street & Smith, one of the major pulp publishers, brought out Detective Story Magazine. The first magazine to focus solely on fantasy and horror was Weird Tales, which was launched in 1923, and established itself as the leading weird fiction magazine over the next two decades; writers such as H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith and Robert E. Howard became regular contributors. In 1926 Weird Tales was joined by Amazing Stories, published by Hugo Gernsback; Amazing printed only science fiction, and no fantasy. Gernsback included a letter column in Amazing Stories, and this led to the creation of organized science-fiction fandom, as fans contacted each other using the addresses published with the letters. Gernsback wanted the fiction he printed to be scientifically accurate, and educational, as well as entertaining, but found it difficult to obtain stories that met his goals; he printed "The Moon Pool" by Abraham Merritt in 1927, despite it being completely unscientific. Gernsback lost control of Amazing Stories in 1929, but quickly started several new magazines. Wonder Stories, one of Gernsback's titles, was edited by David Lasser, who worked to improve the quality of the fiction he received. Another early competitor was Astounding Stories of Super-Science, which appeared in 1930, edited by Harry Bates, but Bates printed only the most basic adventure stories with minimal scientific content, and little of the material from his era is now remembered.
