Timelike simply connected

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Suppose a Lorentzian manifold contains a closed timelike curve (CTC). No CTC can be continuously deformed as a CTC (is timelike homotopic) to a point, as that point would not be causally well behaved. [1] Therefore, any Lorentzian manifold containing a CTC is said to be timelike multiply connected. A Lorentzian manifold that does not contain a CTC is said to be timelike simply connected.

Any Lorentzian manifold which is timelike multiply connected has a diffeomorphic universal covering space which is timelike simply connected. For instance, a three-sphere with a Lorentzian metric is timelike multiply connected, (because any compact Lorentzian manifold contains a CTC), but has a diffeomorphic universal covering space which contains no CTC (and is therefore not compact). By contrast, a three-sphere with the standard metric is simply connected, and is therefore its own universal cover.

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On a Lorentzian manifold, certain curves are distinguished as timelike. A timelike homotopy between two timelike curves is a homotopy such that each intermediate curve is timelike. No closed timelike curve (CTC) on a Lorentzian manifold is timelike homotopic to a point ; such a manifold is therefore said to be multiply connected by timelike curves. A manifold such as the 3-sphere can be simply connected, and at the same time be timelike multiply connected. Equivalence classes of timelike homotopic curves define their own fundamental group, as noted by Smith (1967). A smooth topological feature which prevents a CTC from being deformed to a point may be called a timelike topological feature.

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  1. Monroe, Hunter (2008-10-29). "Are Causality Violations Undesirable?". Foundations of Physics. 38 (11): 1065–1069. arXiv: gr-qc/0609054 . Bibcode:2008FoPh...38.1065M. doi:10.1007/s10701-008-9254-9. S2CID   119707350.