Timo Jussi Jalkanen (born 1936) was a Finnish diplomat and jurist. He served as the Finnish Ambassador to Iran and Pakistan from 1983 to 1987, in the Philippines from 1987 to 1990 and in Ireland from 1996 to 2001. He also served as office manager for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs between 1978 and 1983, Deputy Director General of the Protocol Department from 1990 to 1995 and has been the head of department since 1995. [1] [2]
Osmo Heikki Kristian Soininvaara is a Finnish politician and writer, former party leader and cabinet member.
Paavo Juhani Haavikko was a Finnish poet, playwright, essayist and publisher, considered one of the country's most outstanding writers. He published more than 70 works, and his poems have been translated to 12 languages.
Mirkka Elina Rekola was a Finnish writer from Tampere who published poems, aphorisms, essays. Her poetry was considered ‘difficult’, thus she gained wide audience as late as in the 1990s. Rekola's production has not really been the subject of research until after the mid-1990s. Liisa Enwald's 1997 dissertation Kaiken liikkeessä lepo contributed to pioneering research. In 2020, the Runopuu mural, painted by Teemu Mäenpää and produced by the Annikki Poetry Festival, was published in Tampere, as part of which is Rekola's poem "Minä rakastan sinua, minä sanon sen kaikille".
Kari Hotakainen is a Finnish writer. Hotakainen started his writing career as a reporter in Pori. In 1986, he moved to Helsinki. He became a full-time writer in 1996. He has two children with his wife, sound technician Tarja Laaksonen, whom he married in 1983. He has also worked as a copywriter and as a columnist for the Helsingin Sanomat.
Daniel Katz is a Finnish writer.
Benno Alexander "Santeri" Levas was a Finnish writer and photographer, best known for his books on the composer Jean Sibelius.
Eeva Karin Kilpi is a Finnish writer and feminist. Better known abroad than in Finland, her poetry, characterized as feminist humor, was discovered in the 1980s in Europe.
Antti Antero Hynninen was a Finnish diplomat and master of political science. He was Ambassador to Cairo in 1987–1989, Ambassador at the Permanent Representation of International Organizations at Geneva in Bern 1989–1995 and then under State Secretary for Trade Policy 1995–1997. He was then Ambassador to Paris 1997–2001 and again to Bern in 2001–2005. He retired in 2005.
Kai Helmer Helenius Is a Finnish diplomat and ambassador. He is a master's degree in engineering and has served as ambassador in Jeddah and Abu Dhabi 1977–1982. Between 1983 and 1986, he was a negotiating officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1987–1990 Under-Secretary of State for Development and again ambassador in Bonn in 1990–1996.
Tom Carl Ernst Grönberg is a Finnish diplomat and Master of Law (1971). He has been Ambassador to Nairobi and Addis Ababa 1983–1987, Deputy Director General of the Legal Department of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs 1987–1990 and Head of Department 1990–1994. He was an Ambassador to the Council of Europe in 1994–1998 and in Vienna, Ljubljana and Bratislava 1998–2005.
Osmo Juhani Lares is a Finnish diplomat. He is Master of Laws. He has served as Ambassador to Tokyo from 1972 to 1978, Head of the Legal Department of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs from 1978 to 1983, Ambassador to Canberra 1983–1987 and at The Hague 1987–1989.
Klaus Aksel Sahlgren was a Finnish diplomat, a Bachelor of Political Sciences. He served as Deputy Director General for Trade Policy at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs 1969–1970, Permanent Representative of Finland to Geneva, United Nations International Organizations 1970–1975, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations 1975–1983, and Secretary-General of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 1983–1986.
Aarno Eino Karhilo was a Finnish diplomat who served as Ambassador since 1971. He has a Bachelor of Law.
Seppo Taito Pietinen was a Finnish diplomat and lawyer with title of Master in Law. He was an Ambassador in Dar es Salaam from 1971 to 1973, and in Addis Ababa and Lusaka from 1972 to 1973, then Deputy Head of Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1973–1976, Ambassador in Vienna from 1976 to 1980 and at the same time the Finnish Permanent UN mission and the Holy See 1977–1980, In Lima, 1980–1983, in Bogota, 1980–1982 Head of the Political Department of the Foreign Ministry 1983– Ambassador to Paris 1986–1988.
Ossi Juhani Sunell was a Finnish diplomat.
Unto Juhani Turunen is a Finnish diplomat and Master in Law. He has held key positions including: Head of the Foreign Office from 1980 to 1983, Ambassador to Saudi Arabia from 1983 to 1987, as Ambassador to Poland from 1988 to 1991, as Foreign Affairs Counselor in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs from 1991 to 1993, Head of the Trade Policy Department from 1993 to 1995 and as chief executive officer from 1995 to 1996, as Ambassador to South Korea from 1996 to 2000 and in Malaysia from 2000 to 2004.
Klaus Alarik Castrén was a Finnish diplomat, a Master of Political Science by education. He was the Finnish Ambassador to Mexico City from 1970 to 1972, Head of Department Department of the Department of Foreign Affairs from 1972 to 1976, Ambassador to Buenos Aires from 1976 to 1983 and to Ankara from 1983 to 1986.
Tero Heikki Mainio Lehtovaara was a Finnish diplomat, and law student with a law degree.
David Johansson is a Finnish diplomat and ambassador. He was the Finnish Ambassador to Nairobi and Addis Ababa 1990–1995. Prior to that he was Deputy Director General of the Development Cooperation Department 1983-1987 and Head of Department 1987–1990 in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Garth Christopher Castrén is a Finnish diplomat, a master of political science education. He has been Finnish Ambassador to Lusaka, 1984–1987, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 1987, Deputy Director of the Development Cooperation Department 1988–1989, Consul General in New York City–1992 and Ambassador to Cairo 1992–1997 and in Ankara from 2000 to 2004.