Title 15 of the Code of Federal Regulations

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Title 15 is the portion of the Code of Federal Regulations that governs Commerce and Foreign Trade within the United States. It is available in digital or printed form.


Title 15 comprises three volumes, and is divided into four Subtitles:

Subtitle A: Office of the Secretary of Commerce

Subtitle A (§§ 0-29) covers regulations associated with the office of the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, and is primarily concerned with conduct of, restrictions on, and disciplinary proceedings concerning employees of that office. Subtitle A occupies a portion of volume 1.

Subtitle B: Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade

Subtitle B covers Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade. It begins in volume 1 and continues through volume 3. Subtitle B consists of the following chapters:

1I30-199 Bureau of the Census (Department of Commerce)
II200-299 National Institute of Standards and Technology (Department of Commerce)
2III300-399 International Trade Administration (Department of Commerce)
IV400-499 Foreign-Trade Zones Board (Department of Commerce)
VII700-799 Bureau of Industry and Security (Department of Commerce)
3VIII800-899 Bureau of Economic Analysis (Department of Commerce)
IX900-999 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Department of Commerce)
XI1100-1199 Technology Administration (Department of Commerce)
XIII1300-1399 East-West Foreign Trade Board
XIV1400-1499 Minority Business Development Agency

Subtitle C: Regulations Relating to Foreign Trade Agreements

Subtitle C (§§ 2000–2099) comprises regulations relating to foreign trade agreements administered by the Office of the United States Trade Representative. Subtitle C occupies a portion of volume 3.

Subtitle D: Regulations Relating to Telecommunications and Information

Subtitle D (§§ 2300–2399) comprises regulations relating to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (Department of Commerce) and concludes volume 3.

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