Titus Quinctius Pennus Capitolinus Crispinus

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Titus Quinctius Pennus Capitolinus Crispinus was a politician of the Roman Republic. In 361 BC he was a dictator of Rome and obtained a triumph following a successful battle against the Gauls. [1] In 360 BC he was magister equitum , and he continued campaigning against the Gauls, who had allied themselves with the Tiburtes. [2] In 354 and 351 BC he was consul. [3] [4] During the latter of these consulships, he set out for war with the Falisci, but, upon meeting no resistance, burned and pillaged their land instead. [4]

After his consulships, he may have gone into retirement to a villa near Tusculum, and henceforth may have been the Titus Quinctius who was recorded to have been coerced in 342 BC by a group of mutinying Roman soldiers to lead their rebellion. [5] The identity of this Titus Quinctius however remains unclear, and may have instead been a similarly named contemporary.

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  1. Livy, 7.9
  2. Livy, 7, 11
  3. Livy, 7.18
  4. 1 2 Livy, 7.22
  5. Livy, 7. 39