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Tomcat may refer to:



Science and technology

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Immortality is the ability to live forever, or eternal life.

Zero is both the digit 0 and the number 0.

Enigma may refer to:

Venom is a class of animal toxins.

Deadline(s) or The Deadline(s) may refer to:

In Irish and Scottish mythology, the banshee is a "fairy woman" whose mournful wail heralds an imminent death.

A mirage is an optical phenomenon.

A destroyer is a type of warship.

Noir is the French word for black. It may also refer to:

For the Wikipedia Article Wizard used to create articles, see WP:Article Wizard.

Fury or FURY may refer to:

Avenger, Avengers, The Avenger, or The Avengers may refer to:

havoc, Havoc, Havocs, Havok, or Havock may also refer to:

Skin is a soft outer covering of an animal, in particular a vertebrate.

Awesome may refer to:

Daredevil may refer to:

Spectre, specter or the spectre may refer to:

A jinx is a condition of bad luck possibly by way of a curse.

Freak has several meanings: a person who is physically deformed or suffers from an extraordinary disease and condition, a genetic mutation in a plant or animal, etc.

Copycat may refer to: