Top-nodes algorithm

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The top-nodes algorithm is an algorithm for managing a resource reservation calendar. The algorithm has been first published in 2003, [1] and has been improved in 2009. [2] It is used when a resource is shared among many users (for example bandwidth in a telecommunication link, or disk capacity in a large data center).


The algorithm allows users to:


The calendar is stored as a binary tree where leaves represent elementary time periods. Other nodes represent the period of time covered by all their descendants.

Example of a seven-hour calendar (with elementary periods of one hour) AlgoRayroleArbre.svg
Example of a seven-hour calendar (with elementary periods of one hour)
Example of a seven-hour calendar (with elementary periods of one hour)

The period of time covered by a reservation is represented by a set of "top-nodes". This set is the minimal set of nodes that exactly cover the reservation period of time.

A node of the binary tree is a "top-node" for a given reservation if

Top-nodes for a reservation from 1:00 to 5:59 AlgoRayroleResa.svg
Top-nodes for a reservation from 1:00 to 5:59
Top-nodes for a reservation from 1:00 to 5:59

The following value is stored in each node:

q(node) = max(q(left child), q(right child))           + total amount of reserved resource for all reservations having this node as a "top-node"

(for code optimization, the two parts of this sum are usually stored separately.)


The advantage of this algorithm is that the time to register a new resource reservation depends only on the calendar size (it does not depend on the total number of reservations).

Let n be the number of elementary periods in the calendar.

The maximal number of "top-nodes" for a given reservation is 2.log n.

where M is the number of reservations that are active during the added calendar periods.

(M = 0 if reservations are not allowed after the end of the calendar.)

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  1. Related US patent (the algorithm is in the public domain since 2008)
  2. Improved top-nodes algorithm