Traveling purchaser problem

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The traveling purchaser problem (TPP) is an NP-hard problem studied in Operations research and theoretical computer science. Given a list of marketplaces, the cost of travelling between different marketplaces, and a list of available goods together with the price of each such good at each marketplace, the task is to find, for a given list of articles, the route with the minimum combined cost of purchases and traveling. The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a special case of this problem.


Relation to traveling salesman problem (TSP)

The problem can be seen as a generalization of the traveling salesman problem, which can be viewed as the special case of TPP where each article is available at one market only and each market sells only one item. Since TSP is NP-hard, TPP is NP-hard. [1]

Solving TPP

Approaches for solving the traveling purchaser problem include dynamic programming [2] and tabu search algorithms. [3]

See also

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Travelling salesman problem</span> NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization

The travelling salesman problem, also known as the travelling salesperson problem (TSP), asks the following question: "Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city?" It is an NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization, important in theoretical computer science and operations research.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shortest path problem</span> Computational problem of graph theory

In graph theory, the shortest path problem is the problem of finding a path between two vertices in a graph such that the sum of the weights of its constituent edges is minimized.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">NP-hardness</span> Complexity class

In computational complexity theory, a computational problem H is called NP-hard if, for every problem L which can be solved in non-deterministic polynomial-time, there is a polynomial-time reduction from L to H. That is, assuming a solution for H takes 1 unit time, H's solution can be used to solve L in polynomial time. As a consequence, finding a polynomial time algorithm to solve a single NP-hard problem would give polynomial time algorithms for all the problems in the complexity class NP. As it is suspected, but unproven, that P≠NP, it is unlikely that any polynomial-time algorithms for NP-hard problems exist.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chinese postman problem</span> Finding shortest walks through all graph edges

In graph theory, a branch of mathematics and computer science, Guan's route problem, the Chinese postman problem, postman tour or route inspection problem is to find a shortest closed path or circuit that visits every edge of an (connected) undirected graph at least once. When the graph has an Eulerian circuit, that circuit is an optimal solution. Otherwise, the optimization problem is to find the smallest number of graph edges to duplicate so that the resulting multigraph does have an Eulerian circuit. It can be solved in polynomial time, unlike the Travelling Salesman Problem which is NP-hard. It is different from the Travelling Salesman Problem in that the travelling salesman cannot repeat visited nodes.

Tabu search (TS) is a metaheuristic search method employing local search methods used for mathematical optimization. It was created by Fred W. Glover in 1986 and formalized in 1989.

The Bottleneck traveling salesman problem is a problem in discrete or combinatorial optimization. The problem is to find the Hamiltonian cycle in a weighted graph which minimizes the weight of the highest-weight edge of the cycle. It was first formulated by Gilmore & Gomory (1964) with some additional constraints, and in its full generality by Garfinkel & Gilbert (1978).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Combinatorial optimization</span> Subfield of mathematical optimization

Combinatorial optimization is a subfield of mathematical optimization that consists of finding an optimal object from a finite set of objects, where the set of feasible solutions is discrete or can be reduced to a discrete set. Typical combinatorial optimization problems are the travelling salesman problem ("TSP"), the minimum spanning tree problem ("MST"), and the knapsack problem. In many such problems, such as the ones previously mentioned, exhaustive search is not tractable, and so specialized algorithms that quickly rule out large parts of the search space or approximation algorithms must be resorted to instead.

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TPP may refer to:

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vehicle routing problem</span> Optimization problem

The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a combinatorial optimization and integer programming problem which asks "What is the optimal set of routes for a fleet of vehicles to traverse in order to deliver to a given set of customers?" It generalises the travelling salesman problem (TSP). It first appeared in a paper by George Dantzig and John Ramser in 1959, in which the first algorithmic approach was written and was applied to petrol deliveries. Often, the context is that of delivering goods located at a central depot to customers who have placed orders for such goods. The objective of the VRP is to minimize the total route cost. In 1964, Clarke and Wright improved on Dantzig and Ramser's approach using an effective greedy algorithm called the savings algorithm.

Arc routing problems (ARP) are a category of general routing problems (GRP), which also includes node routing problems (NRP). The objective in ARPs and NRPs is to traverse the edges and nodes of a graph, respectively. The objective of arc routing problems involves minimizing the total distance and time, which often involves minimizing deadheading time, the time it takes to reach a destination. Arc routing problems can be applied to garbage collection, school bus route planning, package and newspaper delivery, deicing and snow removal with winter service vehicles that sprinkle salt on the road, mail delivery, network maintenance, street sweeping, police and security guard patrolling, and snow ploughing. Arc routings problems are NP hard, as opposed to route inspection problems that can be solved in polynomial-time.

In mathematical optimization and computer science, heuristic is a technique designed for problem solving more quickly when classic methods are too slow for finding an exact or approximate solution, or when classic methods fail to find any exact solution in a search space. This is achieved by trading optimality, completeness, accuracy, or precision for speed. In a way, it can be considered a shortcut.

The Concorde TSP Solver is a program for solving the travelling salesman problem. It was written by David Applegate, Robert E. Bixby, Vašek Chvátal, and William J. Cook, in ANSI C, and is freely available for academic use.

In combinatorial optimization, the set TSP, also known as the generalized TSP, group TSP, One-of-a-Set TSP, Multiple Choice TSP or Covering Salesman Problem, is a generalization of the traveling salesman problem (TSP), whereby it is required to find a shortest tour in a graph which visits all specified subsets of the vertices of a graph. The subsets of vertices must be disjoint, since the case of overlapping subsets can be reduced to the case of disjoint ones. The ordinary TSP is a special case of the set TSP when all subsets to be visited are singletons. Therefore, the set TSP is also NP-hard.

<i>In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman</i> 2011 book by William J. Cook

In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman: Mathematics at the Limits of Computation is a book on the travelling salesman problem, by William J. Cook, published in 2011 by the Princeton University Press, with a paperback reprint in 2014. The Basic Library List Committee of the Mathematical Association of America has suggested its inclusion in undergraduate mathematics libraries.


  1. "Heuristics for the traveling purchaser problem" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-09-24.
  2. "A Dynamic Programming Approach for a Travelling Purchaser Problem With Additional Constraints" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2019-09-29.
  3. "A Tabu Search Approach for solving the Travelling Purchase Problem" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-06-10.