Treason Act 1423

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Treason Act 1423
Act of Parliament
Coat of Arms of Henry VI of England (1422-1471).svg
Long title Persons indicted of high treason escaping out of prison shall be adjudged traitors.
Citation 2 Hen. 6. c. 21
Other legislation
Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1863
Status: Repealed

The Treason Act 1423 or the Escape Act 1423 (2 Hen. 6. c. 21) was an Act of the Parliament of England. It made it high treason for a person who had been indicted for treason to escape from prison (whether they were guilty of the original allegation of treason or not). This form of treason was abolished by the Treason Act 1547, although the Act was formally repealed in 1863. [1]

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