Tsallis statistics

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The term Tsallis statistics usually refers to the collection of mathematical functions and associated probability distributions that were originated by Constantino Tsallis. Using that collection, it is possible to derive Tsallis distributions from the optimization of the Tsallis entropic form. A continuous real parameter q can be used to adjust the distributions, so that distributions which have properties intermediate to that of Gaussian and Lévy distributions can be created. The parameter q represents the degree of non-extensivity of the distribution. Tsallis statistics are useful for characterising complex, anomalous diffusion.


Tsallis functions

The q-deformed exponential and logarithmic functions were first introduced in Tsallis statistics in 1994. [1] However, the q-deformation is the Box–Cox transformation for , proposed by George Box and David Cox in 1964. [2]


The q-exponential is a deformation of the exponential function using the real parameter q. [3]

Note that the q-exponential in Tsallis statistics is different from a version used elsewhere.


The q-logarithm is the inverse of q-exponential and a deformation of the logarithm using the real parameter q. [3]


These functions have the property that


The limits of the above expression can be understood by considering for the exponential function and for the logarithm.

See also

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In statistics, a Tsallis distribution is a probability distribution derived from the maximization of the Tsallis entropy under appropriate constraints. There are several different families of Tsallis distributions, yet different sources may reference an individual family as "the Tsallis distribution". The q-Gaussian is a generalization of the Gaussian in the same way that Tsallis entropy is a generalization of standard Boltzmann–Gibbs entropy or Shannon entropy. Similarly, if the domain of the variable is constrained to be positive in the maximum entropy procedure, the q-exponential distribution is derived.

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  1. Tsallis, Constantino (1994). "What are the numbers that experiments provide?". Química Nova. 17: 468.
  2. Box, George E. P.; Cox, D. R. (1964). "An analysis of transformations". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 26 (2): 211–252. JSTOR   2984418. MR   0192611.
  3. 1 2 Umarov, Sabir; Tsallis, Constantino; Steinberg, Stanly (2008). "On a q-Central Limit Theorem Consistent with Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics" (PDF). Milan J. Math. Birkhauser Verlag. 76: 307–328. doi:10.1007/s00032-008-0087-y. S2CID   55967725 . Retrieved 2011-07-27.