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TwinsUK Logo.jpg
Founder(s)Professor Tim Spector
Established1992 (1992)
AddressSt Thomas’ Hospital Campus
3rd & 4th Floor South Wing Block D, Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

TwinsUK, also known as TwinsUK Registry, is the biggest UK adult registry of twins in the United Kingdom, ages 16 to 98 to study the genetic and environmental aetiology of age related complex traits and diseases. [1] Established in 1993, it is based at King's College London with an intent of aiding genetic research. The registry is used to connect researchers to volunteers. [2] [3] [4]

It is the largest registry of twin adults in the UK. [5] As of 2013, it hosted information on more than 13,000 volunteer twins, with approximately 50% having completed a baseline comprehensive assessment and more than 70% having completed a detailed health questionnaire. As of 2013, the cohort was predominantly female (83%) and middle-aged or older, with about an equal division of monozygotic and dizygotic twins. [1]

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  1. 1 2 Moayyeria, Alireza; Hammond, Christopher J; Harta, Deborah J; Spector, Timothy D (February 2013). "The UK Adult Twin Registry (TwinsUK Resource)". Twin Research and Human Genetics. 16 (1): 144–149. doi:10.1017/thg.2012.89. PMC   3927054 . PMID   23088889.
  2. Issues in Biological and Life Sciences Research: 2013 Edition. ScholarlyEditions. 1 May 2013. p. 949. ISBN   978-1-4901-0606-9.
  3. Issues in Cardiology: 2011 Edition. ScholarlyEditions. 9 January 2012. p. 524. ISBN   978-1-4649-6433-6.
  4. Bone Diseases: Advances in Research and Treatment: 2011 Edition. ScholarlyEditions. 9 January 2012. p. 84. ISBN   978-1-4649-2615-0.
  5. Moayyeri, A; Hammond CJ; Valdes AM; Spector TD (February 2013). "Cohort Profile: TwinsUK and healthy ageing twin study". International Journal of Epidemiology. 42 (1): 76–85. doi:10.1093/ije/dyr207. PMC   3600616 . PMID   22253318.