Ulam matrix

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In mathematical set theory, an Ulam matrix is an array of subsets of a cardinal number with certain properties. Ulam matrices were introduced by Stanislaw Ulam in his 1930 work on measurable cardinals: they may be used, for example, to show that a real-valued measurable cardinal is weakly inaccessible. [1]


Suppose that κ and λ are cardinal numbers, and let be a -complete filter on . An Ulam matrix is a collection of subsets of indexed by such that

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In set theory, an uncountable cardinal is inaccessible if it cannot be obtained from smaller cardinals by the usual operations of cardinal arithmetic. More precisely, a cardinal κ is strongly inaccessible if it satisfies the following three conditions: it is uncountable, it is not a sum of fewer than κ cardinals smaller than κ, and implies .

In mathematics, a Mahlo cardinal is a certain kind of large cardinal number. Mahlo cardinals were first described by Paul Mahlo. As with all large cardinals, none of these varieties of Mahlo cardinals can be proven to exist by ZFC.

In set theory, a branch of mathematics, a Q-indescribable cardinal is a certain kind of large cardinal number that is hard to axiomatize in some language Q. There are many different types of indescribable cardinals corresponding to different choices of languages Q. They were introduced by Hanf & Scott (1961).

In mathematics, a measurable cardinal is a certain kind of large cardinal number. In order to define the concept, one introduces a two-valued measure on a cardinal κ, or more generally on any set. For a cardinal κ, it can be described as a subdivision of all of its subsets into large and small sets such that κ itself is large, and all singletons {α}, ακ are small, complements of small sets are large and vice versa. The intersection of fewer than κ large sets is again large.

In set theory, a Woodin cardinal is a cardinal number such that for all functions

In mathematics, a weakly compact cardinal is a certain kind of cardinal number introduced by Erdős & Tarski (1961); weakly compact cardinals are large cardinals, meaning that their existence cannot be proven from the standard axioms of set theory.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Aleph number</span> Infinite cardinal number

In mathematics, particularly in set theory, the aleph numbers are a sequence of numbers used to represent the cardinality of infinite sets that can be well-ordered. They were introduced by the mathematician Georg Cantor and are named after the symbol he used to denote them, the Hebrew letter aleph.

In mathematics, a Ramsey cardinal is a certain kind of large cardinal number introduced by Erdős & Hajnal (1962) and named after Frank P. Ramsey, whose theorem establishes that ω enjoys a certain property that Ramsey cardinals generalize to the uncountable case.

In mathematics, in set theory, the constructible universe, denoted by , is a particular class of sets that can be described entirely in terms of simpler sets. is the union of the constructible hierarchy. It was introduced by Kurt Gödel in his 1938 paper "The Consistency of the Axiom of Choice and of the Generalized Continuum-Hypothesis". In this paper, he proved that the constructible universe is an inner model of ZF set theory, and also that the axiom of choice and the generalized continuum hypothesis are true in the constructible universe. This shows that both propositions are consistent with the basic axioms of set theory, if ZF itself is consistent. Since many other theorems only hold in systems in which one or both of the propositions is true, their consistency is an important result.

In mathematics, particularly in set theory, the beth numbers are a certain sequence of infinite cardinal numbers, conventionally written , where is the second Hebrew letter (beth). The beth numbers are related to the aleph numbers, but unless the generalized continuum hypothesis is true, there are numbers indexed by that are not indexed by .

In mathematics, particularly in mathematical logic and set theory, a club set is a subset of a limit ordinal that is closed under the order topology, and is unbounded relative to the limit ordinal. The name club is a contraction of "closed and unbounded".

In the mathematical field of set theory, Martin's axiom, introduced by Donald A. Martin and Robert M. Solovay, is a statement that is independent of the usual axioms of ZFC set theory. It is implied by the continuum hypothesis, but it is consistent with ZFC and the negation of the continuum hypothesis. Informally, it says that all cardinals less than the cardinality of the continuum, , behave roughly like . The intuition behind this can be understood by studying the proof of the Rasiowa–Sikorski lemma. It is a principle that is used to control certain forcing arguments.

In mathematics, specifically set theory and model theory, a stationary set is a set that is not too small in the sense that it intersects all club sets and is analogous to a set of non-zero measure in measure theory. There are at least three closely related notions of stationary set, depending on whether one is looking at subsets of an ordinal, or subsets of something of given cardinality, or a powerset.

In set theory, a branch of mathematics, a strongly compact cardinal is a certain kind of large cardinal.

In set theory, a normal measure is a measure on a measurable cardinal κ such that the equivalence class of the identity function on κ maps to κ itself in the ultrapower construction. Equivalently, if f:κ→κ is such that f(α)<α for most α<κ, then there is a β<κ such that f(α)=β for most α<κ. Also equivalent, the ultrafilter is closed under diagonal intersection.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Axiom of limitation of size</span>

In set theory, the axiom of limitation of size was proposed by John von Neumann in his 1925 axiom system for sets and classes. It formalizes the limitation of size principle, which avoids the paradoxes encountered in earlier formulations of set theory by recognizing that some classes are too big to be sets. Von Neumann realized that the paradoxes are caused by permitting these big classes to be members of a class. A class that is a member of a class is a set; a class that is not a set is a proper class. Every class is a subclass of V, the class of all sets. The axiom of limitation of size says that a class is a set if and only if it is smaller than V—that is, there is no function mapping it onto V. Usually, this axiom is stated in the equivalent form: A class is a proper class if and only if there is a function that maps it onto V.

In mathematics, even and odd ordinals extend the concept of parity from the natural numbers to the ordinal numbers. They are useful in some transfinite induction proofs.

In mathematics, infinitary combinatorics, or combinatorial set theory, is an extension of ideas in combinatorics to infinite sets. Some of the things studied include continuous graphs and trees, extensions of Ramsey's theorem, and Martin's axiom. Recent developments concern combinatorics of the continuum and combinatorics on successors of singular cardinals.

This is a glossary of set theory.


  1. Jech, Thomas (2003), Set Theory, Springer Monographs in Mathematics (Third Millennium ed.), Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag, p. 131, ISBN   978-3-540-44085-7, Zbl   1007.03002