In the mathematics of infinite graphs, an unfriendly partition or majority coloring is a partition of the vertices of the graph into disjoint subsets, so that every vertex has at least as many neighbors in other sets as it has in its own set. It is a generalization of the concept of a maximum cut for finite graphs, which is automatically an unfriendly partition. (If not, a vertex with more neighbors in its own set could be moved to the other set, increasing the number of cut edges.) The unfriendly partition conjecture is an unsolved problem asking whether every countable graph has an unfriendly partition into two subsets. [1]
Robert H. Cowan and William R. Emerson, in unpublished work, conjectured that every infinite graph has an unfriendly partition into two subsets. However, Saharon Shelah and Eric Charles Milner disproved the conjecture, showing that uncountable graphs might not have two-subset unfriendly partitions. Nevertheless, they showed that an unfriendly partition into three subsets always exists. [2]
Among countable graphs, the existence of a two-subset unfriendly partition is known for the following special cases:
The case for arbitrary countable graphs remains open. [1]
In graph theory, an undirected graph H is called a minor of the graph G if H can be formed from G by deleting edges, vertices and by contracting edges.
In graph theory, a perfect graph is a graph in which the chromatic number equals the size of the maximum clique, both in the graph itself and in every induced subgraph. In all graphs, the chromatic number is greater than or equal to the size of the maximum clique, but they can be far apart. A graph is perfect when these numbers are equal, and remain equal after the deletion of arbitrary subsets of vertices.
In graph theory, the Erdős–Faber–Lovász conjecture is a problem about graph coloring, named after Paul Erdős, Vance Faber, and László Lovász, who formulated it in 1972. It says:
In mathematics, a universal graph is an infinite graph that contains every finite graph as an induced subgraph. A universal graph of this type was first constructed by Richard Rado and is now called the Rado graph or random graph. More recent work has focused on universal graphs for a graph family F: that is, an infinite graph belonging to F that contains all finite graphs in F. For instance, the Henson graphs are universal in this sense for the i-clique-free graphs.
In graph theory, the Hadwiger conjecture states that if is loopless and has no minor then its chromatic number satisfies . It is known to be true for . The conjecture is a generalization of the four-color theorem and is considered to be one of the most important and challenging open problems in the field.
In mathematics, the Burr–Erdős conjecture was a problem concerning the Ramsey number of sparse graphs. The conjecture is named after Stefan Burr and Paul Erdős, and is one of many conjectures named after Erdős; it states that the Ramsey number of graphs in any sparse family of graphs should grow linearly in the number of vertices of the graph.
In the mathematical field of graph theory, the Rado graph, Erdős–Rényi graph, or random graph is a countably infinite graph that can be constructed by choosing independently at random for each pair of its vertices whether to connect the vertices by an edge. The names of this graph honor Richard Rado, Paul Erdős, and Alfréd Rényi, mathematicians who studied it in the early 1960s; it appears even earlier in the work of Wilhelm Ackermann. The Rado graph can also be constructed non-randomly, by symmetrizing the membership relation of the hereditarily finite sets, by applying the BIT predicate to the binary representations of the natural numbers, or as an infinite Paley graph that has edges connecting pairs of prime numbers congruent to 1 mod 4 that are quadratic residues modulo each other.
In graph theory, the handshaking lemma is the statement that, in every finite undirected graph, the number of vertices that touch an odd number of edges is even. For example, if there is a party of people who shake hands, the number of people who shake an odd number of other people's hands is even. The handshaking lemma is a consequence of the degree sum formula, also sometimes called the handshaking lemma, according to which the sum of the degrees equals twice the number of edges in the graph. Both results were proven by Leonhard Euler in his famous paper on the Seven Bridges of Königsberg that began the study of graph theory.
Clique complexes, independence complexes, flag complexes, Whitney complexes and conformal hypergraphs are closely related mathematical objects in graph theory and geometric topology that each describe the cliques of an undirected graph.
András Hajnal was a professor of mathematics at Rutgers University and a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences known for his work in set theory and combinatorics.
In graph theory, the De Bruijn–Erdős theorem relates graph coloring of an infinite graph to the same problem on its finite subgraphs. It states that, when all finite subgraphs can be colored with colors, the same is true for the whole graph. The theorem was proved by Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn and Paul Erdős, after whom it is named.
In the mathematical theory of infinite graphs, the Erdős–Dushnik–Miller theorem is a form of Ramsey's theorem stating that every infinite graph contains either a countably infinite independent set, or a clique with the same cardinality as the whole graph.
In mathematics, in the areas of order theory and combinatorics, Mirsky's theorem characterizes the height of any finite partially ordered set in terms of a partition of the order into a minimum number of antichains. It is named for Leon Mirsky and is closely related to Dilworth's theorem on the widths of partial orders, to the perfection of comparability graphs, to the Gallai–Hasse–Roy–Vitaver theorem relating longest paths and colorings in graphs, and to the Erdős–Szekeres theorem on monotonic subsequences.
In graph theory, a Trémaux tree of an undirected graph is a type of spanning tree, generalizing depth-first search trees. They are defined by the property that every edge of connects an ancestor–descendant pair in the tree. Trémaux trees are named after Charles Pierre Trémaux, a 19th-century French author who used a form of depth-first search as a strategy for solving mazes. They have also been called normal spanning trees, especially in the context of infinite graphs.
In the mathematical fields of graph theory and finite model theory, the logic of graphs deals with formal specifications of graph properties using sentences of mathematical logic. There are several variations in the types of logical operation that can be used in these sentences. The first-order logic of graphs concerns sentences in which the variables and predicates concern individual vertices and edges of a graph, while monadic second-order graph logic allows quantification over sets of vertices or edges. Logics based on least fixed point operators allow more general predicates over tuples of vertices, but these predicates can only be constructed through fixed-point operators, restricting their power.
In graph theory, the Henson graphGi is an undirected infinite graph, the unique countable homogeneous graph that does not contain an i-vertex clique but that does contain all Ki-free finite graphs as induced subgraphs. For instance, G3 is a triangle-free graph that contains all finite triangle-free graphs.
In graph theory, a branch of mathematics, a half graph is a special type of bipartite graph. These graphs are called the half graphs because they have approximately half of the edges of a complete bipartite graph on the same vertices. The name was given to these graphs by Paul Erdős and András Hajnal.
In theoretical computer science and metric geometry, the GNRS conjecture connects the theory of graph minors, the stretch factor of embeddings, and the approximation ratio of multi-commodity flow problems. It is named after Anupam Gupta, Ilan Newman, Yuri Rabinovich, and Alistair Sinclair, who formulated it in 2004.
In graph theory, a rainbow-independent set (ISR) is an independent set in a graph, in which each vertex has a different color.