Unimodal thresholding

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Original image Lena stasjon.jpg
Original image
Edge map (inverted) Lena stasjon edges.png
Edge map (inverted)
Thresholded edge map using Otsu's algorithm Lena stasjon Otsu.png
Thresholded edge map using Otsu's algorithm
Thresholded edge map using Rosin's algorithm Lena stasjon Rosin.png
Thresholded edge map using Rosin's algorithm

Unimodal thresholding is an algorithm for automatic image threshold selection in image processing. Most threshold selection algorithms assume that the intensity histogram is multi-modal; typically bimodal. However, some types of images are essentially unimodal since a much larger proportion of just one class of pixels (e.g. the background) is present in the image, and dominates the histogram. In such circumstances many of the standard threshold selection algorithms will fail. However, a few algorithms have been designed to specifically cope with such images.


Some examples of unimodal image threshold selection algorithms are


  1. Coudray, Nicolas; Buessler, Urban (2010). "Robust threshold estimation for images with unimodal histograms" (PDF). Pattern Recognition Letters. 31 (9): 1010–1019. Bibcode:2010PaReL..31.1010C. doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2009.12.025.
  2. Rosin, Paul L. (2001). "Unimodal thresholding". Pattern Recognition. 34 (11): 2083–2096. Bibcode:2001PatRe..34.2083R. doi:10.1016/s0031-3203(00)00136-9.
  3. Voorhees, Harry; Poggio (1987). "Detecting textons and texture boundaries in natural images". IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision: 250–258.

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