Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoples (1976)

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The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoples (also known as the Algier's Charter)was adopted in Algiers, July 4, 1976 on the initiative of Lelio Basso. [1] This was at the conclusion of an international conference of jurists, politicians, sociologists, and economists, meeting from 1 July to 4 July at the Palais des Nations in Algiers. They prepared, discussed and approved a declaration which "consecrates the rights of self-determination, of protection of the environment, of control of natural resources, and of the protection of minorities." [2] It served as a foundational document for the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal.



It contains a preamble with seven sections: Right to Existence , Right to Political Self-determination, Economic Rights of Peoples, Right to Culture, Right to Environment and Common Resources, Rights of Minorities and Guarantees and Sanctions.

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  1. "Algiers Charter". Fondazionebasso. Retrieved 18 March 2022.
  2. Richard Falk; Samuel S. Kim; Saul H. Mendlovitz, eds. (1982). "Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoples". Toward a Just World Order. pp. 432–434. doi:10.4324/9780429269400-35. ISBN   978-0-429-26940-0.
