Use Only As Directed is a speculative fiction short story anthology edited by Simon Petrie and Edwina Harvey, and published by Peggy Bright Books in 2014. The book features fourteen short stories by Australian and New Zealand speculative fiction writers. The anthology's opening story, 'Dellinger' by Charlotte Nash, was shortlisted for the Aurealis Award for Best Science Fiction Short Story. [1]
Sean Christopher McMullen is an Australian science fiction and fantasy author.
The Aurealis Award for Excellence in Speculative Fiction is an annual literary award for Australian science fiction, fantasy and horror fiction. Only Australians are eligible for the award.
Stephen Dedman is an Australian author of dark fantasy and science fiction stories and novels.
Lee Battersby is an Australian author of science fiction, fantasy, and horror fiction. His story "Carrying The God" made him the first Western Australian winner in the Writers of the Future Competition in 2002, and was awarded the 2003 Ditmar Award for Best New Talent. His short story "Tales of Nireym" was a finalist in the Fantasy section of the 2005 Aurealis Awards, and "Pater Familias" won Best Horror Short Story in the 2006 awards. Another story, "Father Muerte & The Flesh", the third in his popular Father Muerte series, was awarded the inaugural Australian Shadows Award for outstanding literary achievement by the Australian Horror Writers Association in 2006. He won the award again in 2008 for "The Claws of Native Ghosts", a story which appeared in Graveside Tales' anthology "The Beast Within".
Adam Browne is an Australian speculative fiction writer. He lives in Melbourne, Australia. Browne illustrates his own work.
The Ditmar Award is Australia's oldest and best-known science fiction, fantasy and horror award, presented annually since 1969, usually at the Australian "Natcon". The historical nominations and results of the Award follow.
Alex Isle is an Australian author. He writes both novels and short stories in the science fiction/fantasy genre, as well as books and articles of nonfiction, for both adult and young adult (YA) audiences.
Catriona (Cat) Sparks is an Australian science fiction writer, editor and publisher.
Andrew J McKiernan is an Australian speculative fiction writer and Illustrator.
Dreaming Down-Under is a 1998 speculative fiction anthology edited by Jack Dann and Janeen Webb.
Geoffrey Maloney is an Australian writer of speculative short fiction.
Southern Blood: New Australian Tales of the Supernatural is a 2003 speculative fiction anthology edited by Bill Congreve
Ian McHugh is an Australian writer of speculative short fiction.
Agog! Smashing Stories is a 2004 Australian speculative fiction anthology edited by Cat Sparks.
Eidolon I is a 2006 speculative fiction anthology edited by Jonathan Strahan and Jeremy G. Byrne.
Felicity Dowker is a speculative fiction writer from Victoria, Australia. She is predominantly recognised as a writer in the horror genre.
Simon Petrie is a New Zealand-born speculative fiction writer now based in Canberra, Australia. He is predominantly recognised as a writer in the science fiction and fantasy genres. Petrie's stories have appeared in a number of Australian publications including Borderlands, Aurealis and Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, in New Zealand publications such as Semaphore Magazine and several Random Static anthologies, and in magazines elsewhere in the English-speaking world such as Redstone Science Fiction, Murky Depths and Sybil's Garage. He is a former member of the Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine collective and has edited five issues of the magazine.
Chuck McKenzie is an Australian writer of speculative fiction.
Reach for Infinity is a 2014 science fiction anthology edited by Jonathan Strahan. In 2015, it was nominated for a Locus Award for Best Anthology, an Aurealis Award for Best Anthology and the Philip K. Dick Award.
Light Touch Paper, Stand Clear is a speculative fiction short story anthology edited by Edwina Harvey and Simon Petrie, and published by Peggy Bright Books in 2012. It contains thirteen original short stories, mostly by Australian writers. The anthology accrued Ditmar Award nominations for Best Collected Work, for Best Short Story and for Best Artwork ,two Chronos Award nominations for Best Short Story, and won a Sir Julius Vogel Award for Best Professional Artwork.