Veterans' Legion of Indonesia

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The Veterans' Legion of Indonesia (Indonesian : Legiun Veteran Republik Indonesia), established on 1 January 1957, is the national ex-service organisation of Indonesia, serving men and women veterans and veterans' families who previously served in the Indonesian National Armed Forces. [1] It is governed by the Veterans of the Republic of Indonesia Law passed by the People's Representative Council on 3 August 1967. It is a member of the World Veterans Federation.


The VLI is mandated to serve the veterans who in the period of struggle and the period of defense of the independence of Indonesia struggled to take up arms to defend the independence and freedom of the Republic against foreign and domestic enemies threatening the national ideology of Pancasila and the territorial integrity of the state. [2]

The legal basis of the VLI is Proclamation 103 of 1 January 1957 and the Veterans of the Republic of Indonesia Law of 3 August 1967, which serves as the official charter of the Legion. [3]

Mission-vision statement

As stated in the Veterans' Law of 1967, the Veterans' Legion is mandated to serve the needs of military veterans who have had actively contributed to the defence of the Republic on a voluntary basis required they are Indonesian citizens having served in uniform and under the colours who are classified into:

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  1. Organisasi LVRI
  2. Undang Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 15 Tahun 2012 tentang Veteran republik Indonesia (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2012 Nomor 182, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 5342)
  3. Suharto (7 August 1967). "UU 7/1967, Veteran Republik Indonesia". UN Mission in Timor. Archived from the original on 16 November 2007. Retrieved 2007-11-27.