WSO2 Mashup Server

Last updated
WSO2 Mashup Server
Mashup logo.gif
Developer(s) WSO2 and Community
Initial releaseJanuary 28, 2008;14 years ago (2008-01-28)
Final release
2.3.2 / November 1, 2011;10 years ago (2011-11-01) [1]
Written in Java
Operating system Cross-platform
Available inEnglish
Type Application server
License Apache License 2.0
Website OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg

The WSO2 Mashup Server is an open-source mashup platform that hosts JavaScript based mashups. It is based on Apache Axis2 and other open source projects, and provides JavaScript authors the ability to consume, compose and emit web services, feeds, scraped web pages, email, and instant messages. The source code is freely available under the open source Apache License. It provides a runtime platform for developing and deploying mashups. It can be downloaded and deployed locally or within an organization.


The WSO2 Mashup Server is web services centric in that each mashup exposes a new web service, which can be consumed by other mashups, web service clients, or Ajax style web pages. The securability of web services make them an attractive technology within organizations deploying a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and for business mashups.

On December 8, 2012, the WSO2 Mashup Server was retired since its remaining functionality, JavaScript web service hosting, was folded into the WSO2 Application Server. [2] WSO2 Application Server went on to eventually become a set of extensions to Apache Tomcat [3] and JavaScript hosting was provided by Jaggery based upon Rhino. [4] [5]

JavaScript as a mashup composition language

Mashups are composed using server side JavaScript in the WSO2 Mashup Server. A set of language extensions along with E4X provides domain specific features such as;

A Hello World

functionhello(){return"Hello World";}

Calling a SOAP web service


Working with feeds

// Creating an RSS 2.0 feed and writing it to file.functioncreateRssFeed(){// Creating the Feedvarfeed=newFeed();feed.feedType="rss_2.0";feed.title="This is a test Feed";feed.description="This feed demonstrates the use of Feed host object to create an RSS 2.0 feed.";"";// Creating Entries in the Feedvarentry=newEntry();entry.title="This is a test entry.";entry.description="This is a sample entry demonstrating the use of the Entry host object.";feed.insertEntry(entry);varentry2=newEntry();entry2.title="This is another test entry.";entry2.description="This is a sample entry demonstrating the use of the Entry host object.";// Adding a Media Module to the entryvarmediaModule=newMediaModule("");mediaModule.copyright="2007 Tad Bowman";mediaModule.type="image/jpeg";mediaModule.thumbnail="";entry2.addMediaModule(mediaModule);feed.insertEntry(entry2);// Writing the newly created Feed to a Filevarresult=feed.writeTo("test-created-rss-feed.xml");returnresult;}

Web scraping


The syntax is identical to another open source web scraping tool called web harvest.

Working with APP

functionpersistAuthenticatedAppFeed(){// Creating an instance of APPClientvarclient=newAPPClient();// Creating an instance of AtomFeedvarfeed=newAtomFeed();// Setting login credentials for the clientclient.credentials={username:"",password:"xxx",service:"blogger",authtype:"google"};// Retrieving and online feedfeed=client.getFeed("");// Getting an array of individual entries from the feedvarentries=newArray();entries=feed.getEntries();// Writing the retrieved feed to a filefeed.writeTo("my-file-name.xml");}

Periodic task scheduling

// Scheduling a function to be executed every 2 secondsvaruuid=system.setInterval('myJavaScriptFunction("parameterValue")',2000);// Stopping the above scheduled tasksystem.clearInterval(uuid);

Sending an e-mail

functionsendEmail(){varemail=newEmail("host","port","username","password");varfile=newFile("temp.txt");email.from="";"";// alternatively can be an array of strings. Same goes for cc and"";email.bcc="";email.subject="WSO2 Mashup server 1.0 Released";email.addAttachement(file,"temp.txt");// Optionally can add attachments, it has a variable number of arguments. each argument can be a File hostObject or a string representing a file.// In this case we are sending two attachments (this demonstrates sending attachments using either a File Host Object or a path to the file).email.text="WSO2 Mashup server 1.0 was Released on 28th January 2008";email.send();}

See also

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  1. Siriwardena, Ranga (November 1, 2011). "WSO2 Mashup Server 2.3.2 Released !". WSO2 Announcements (Mailing list). Retrieved 2022-04-18.
  2. Marsh, Jonathan (December 8, 2012). "WSO2 Mashup Server–where to now?". The Source. Archived from the original on 2012-12-16.
  3. "Welcome to WSO2 Application Server". wso2/product-as. product-as/ at master. Retrieved 2022-04-18 via GitHub.
  4. "{jaggery.js} - The delicious Javascript framework". wso2/jaggery. jaggery/ at master. Retrieved 2022-04-18 via GitHub.
  5. "Jaggery". Archived from the original on 2021-05-16.