War treason

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War treason is a term used to categorise "the commission of hostile acts, except armed resistance and possibly espionage, by persons other than members of the armed forces properly identified as such." [1]

According to the 1914 edition of the British Manual of Military Law, espionage could be considered war treason if it was committed by people acting openly outside the zone of military operations. It defined war treason widely as including "obtaining, supplying and carrying of information to the enemy" or attempting to do so.

Sabotage was also considered war treason, as was aiding the escape of prisoners of war. Those accused of the offence were entitled to a trial before a military or civil court, with sentences up to the death penalty being imposed. [2] During World War I, the German spy Carl Hans Lody was tried and executed by the United Kingdom in November 1914 under this juridical basis. [3]

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In the United States, there are both federal and state laws prohibiting treason. Treason is defined on the federal level in Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution as: "levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Most state constitutions include similar definitions of treason, specifically limited to levying war against the state, "adhering to the enemies" of the state, or aiding the enemies of the state, and requiring two witnesses or a confession in open court. Fewer than thirty people have ever been charged with treason under these laws.


  1. Baxter, Richard (2013). "The Duty of Obedience to the Belligerent Occupant". Humanizing the Laws of War: Selected Writings of Richard Baxter. Oxford University Press. p. 16. ISBN   9780199680252.
  2. Simpson, A.W. Brian (2003). "The invention of trials in camera in security cases". In Mulholland, Maureen; Melikan, R.A. (eds.). The Trial in History: Domestic and international trials, 1700–2000 . Manchester University Press. p.  80. ISBN   9780719064869.
  3. Simpson, p. 81