The Wham Bar is a confectionery bar produced by Tangerine Confectionery and sold in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
They are thin chew bars with coloured pieces of sherbet inside. Wham Bars are available in a range of flavours including Original (Raspberry), Strawberry, Cola, Brew (a similar flavour to that of Irn-Bru), Extreme Super Sour (Blackcurrant), Sour Apple and Sour Cherry. Most flavours are available in Standard, Mega and Mini sizes.
Wham Bars were introduced in the early 1980s by McCowan's, a Scottish confectionery manufacturer based in Stenhousemuir. [1] [2] At the peak of their popularity, sales of Wham Bars were 30 million per year. [3]
In 2009, Wham XTRM Sherbet Dips were added to the range. Each packet includes a blackcurrant lollipop and a sherbet dip. [4] In 2010, the 'Luscious Strawberry' flavour Glam Bar was introduced.
On 21 September 2011 it was announced that New McCowans Ltd, the makers of Wham Bars, were going into administration. [5]
On 14 October 2011 it was announced that the Wham Bar and Highland Toffee brands had been bought by Tangerine Confectionery. [6]
[Section: "McCowans Ltd"] During the early 1980s the company introduced the iconic WHAM chew bar