Wigmore chart

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Wigmore evidence chart, from 1905 Wigmore chart.png
Wigmore evidence chart, from 1905

A Wigmore chart (commonly referred to as Wigmorean analysis) is a graphical method for the analysis of legal evidence in trials, developed by John Henry Wigmore. [1] [2] It is an early form of the modern belief network. [3]


After completing his Treatise in 1904, Wigmore "became convinced that something was missing." He set up a system for analyzing evidence that consisted of lines, used to represent reasoning, explanations, refutations, and conclusions; and shapes which represent facts, claims, explanations, and refutations. [4]

Although Wigmore taught his analytic method in the classroom during the early 20th century, the Wigmore chart was all but forgotten by the 1960s. [4] Recent scholars have rediscovered his work and used it as a basis for modern analytic standards. [5]

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  1. Anderson et al. (2005), Chapter 5
  2. Wigmore (1913), (1937)
  3. Kadane & Schum (1996) pp66-76
  4. 1 2 Goodwin, Jean (2000). "Wigmore's Chart Method". Informal Logic. 20 (3). doi: 10.22329/il.v20i3.2278 .
  5. Anderson, Terence; Twining, William (1998). Analysis of Evidence: How to Do Things with Facts Based on Wigmore's Science of Judicial Proof (2nd ed.). Northwestern University Press. ISBN   9780810116764.
