Will Creedle

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Will Creedle (born April 16, 1973, in Rochester, Minnesota) is an American Software Accessibility Engineer and advocate for extending the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 to all title III websites. [1] [2] He is known for suggesting that conformance is crucial to good design because it brings context to content and accurately re-prioritizes the visual to reflect the content as opposed to the site serving the visuals. [3] He has advocated that the time is now for companies to commit to web compliance, ahead of the DOJ regulations coming, as the DOJ has provided what their compliance standards will be for TITLE III companies: WCAG 2.0 Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Creedle spent 7 years working in Manhattan at R/GA, where he conceived the idea of the world's first tweeting e-cigarette as well as worked on several Clio, AD&D and Cannes Cyber Lion winning projects. [4] [5]

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accessiBe is a technology company working to solve the problem of web accessibility through AI. The company has raised $58 million in two rounds of funding. The company's technology uses machine learning algorithms to analyze and modify website content in order to make it more accessible. accessiBe's services are designed to help website owners comply with laws and regulations related to web accessibility, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States. However, most accessibility experts agree that overlay solutions like accessiBe can not properly address ADA compliance issues. There is a consensus among these accessibility experts that using an overlay alone to ensure legal compliance can sometimes cause accessibility issues and compliance problems.
