XOMGL (eXtensible Open Municipal Geodata Language) is an XML-based open standard for the exchange of large amounts of government data between a municipal agency and regular citizens and developers creating web-based mapping applications. It is part of the OMG Standard, which seeks to promote the free flow of information between government agencies and citizens by establishing a common set of technical standards for organizing and sharing public data. [1]
The XOMGL format is good for organizing and distributing digitally many types of government data, including crime, building permits, restaurant health reviews, pollution sources, political contributions, property values, traffic accidents, sex offenders, and historic sites.
It has just enough required fields to allow easy updates and the plotting of data on online maps. It also has enough optional data to allow categorization, filtering, date ranges, images, external links, and latitude and longitude. It provides all of this without overwhelming the end user, providing too much irrelevant data, and displays in an easy to read and manage format.
A government agency would make data available on its website with either static links to files in this format, or queryable versions that allow users to filter the data by last updated date, date range, category, etc.
The XML and JSON versions can be used to automate data importing into web-based software applications, while the CSV version allows regular people to browse, filter, sort, edit, and re-purpose the information with only spreadsheet software knowledge.
Note there is a distinction between data standards and data formats. A data format like KML, GeoRSS, JSON, XML, CSV, and others describe how to format data to make it machine readable by specific applications. A data standard defines which fields/columns are needed to make raw data usable in these formats. Information in the XOMGL standard can be machine-output to any of the above listed data formats. [2]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><datasetname=""><!-- * name:string - name of the dataset --><metadata><!-- * metadata about the dataset --><sourcename><!-- * string: name of the source of the data --></sourcename><sourceurl><!-- string: full path to the page that has the source data --></sourceurl><sourcecity><!-- string: name of the originating city --></sourcecity><sourcestateid><!-- int: id of the originating state --></sourcestateid><sourcecountryid><!-- int: id of the originating country --></sourcecountryid><description><!-- string: text description of source of the data --></description><updatefrequency><!-- string: frequency of data updates, daily, monthly, weekly, etc --></updatefrequency><lastupdated><!-- datetime: stamp of last update to this dataset --></lastupdated><startdatetime><!-- datetime: earliest date of data coverage --></startdatetime><enddatetime><!-- datetime: latest date of data coverage --></enddatetime></metadata><locationdata><!-- * location-based information --><centercity><!-- string: name of the city of the data center --></centercity><centerstateid><!-- int: id of the state of the data center --></centerstateid><centercountryid><!-- int: id of the country of the data center --></centercountryid><centerlatitude><!-- float: latitude of center --></centerlatitude><centerlongitude><!-- float: longitude of center --></centerlongitude><coveragecity><!-- string: city of the dataset coverage area. Leave out if coverage area is greater --></coveragecity><coveragestateid><!-- int: id of the state of the dataset coverage area. Leave out if coverage area is greater --></coveragestateid><coveragecountryid><!-- * int: id of the country of the dataset coverage area. --></coveragecountryid><minlatitude><!-- float: based on data coverage area --></minlatitude><maxlatitude><!-- float: based on data coverage area --></maxlatitude><minlongitude><!-- float: based on data coverage area --></minlongitude><maxlongitude><!-- float: based on data coverage area --></maxlongitude></locationdata><itemdata><!-- data concerning all items --><externalurl><!-- full path to more info with [ExternalID] in place of item->id in a url --></externalurl></itemdata><item><!-- * one item of data. there can be many of these --><id><!-- * string: unique id of this item based on internal system id. used for updating data later --></id><name><!-- * string: name of the item --></name><description><!-- string: html formatted or plain text full description of item --></description><categories><!-- one or more categories the item can be classified as. id links to other xml formatted data that shows category name--><categoryid><!-- int: id of categorization of item. --></categoryid></categories><location><!-- string: full text string of location. this can be used instead of address, city, state, zip --></location><address><!-- string: street address with house number --></address><address2><!-- string: more detailed street address info or location description --></address2><city><!-- string: city of item location --></city><state><!-- string: state of item location --></state><zip><!-- string: zip code of item location --></zip><date><!-- date: date associated with item --></date><latitude><!-- float: latitude of item location --></latitude><longitude><!-- float: longitude of item location --></longitude><fullurl><!-- string: full path to more information about this item --></fullurl><imagepath><!-- string: full path to location of image on a server --></imagepath><detaillink><!-- boolean: if true, will us item->id to link to another XML dataset with full details --></detaillink></item></dataset>
The Geography Markup Language (GML) is the XML grammar defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to express geographical features. GML serves as a modeling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet. Key to GML's utility is its ability to integrate all forms of geographic information, including not only conventional "vector" or discrete objects, but coverages and sensor data.
GPX, or GPS Exchange Format, is an XML schema designed as a common GPS data format for software applications. It can be used to describe waypoints, tracks, and routes. It is an open format and can be used without the need to pay license fees. Location data is stored in tags and can be interchanged between GPS devices and software. Common software applications for the data include viewing tracks projected onto various map sources, annotating maps, and geotagging photographs based on the time they were taken.
ISO 6709, Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates, is the international standard for representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for geographic point locations.
XBRL is a freely available and global framework for exchanging business information. XBRL allows the expression of semantics commonly required in business reporting. The standard was originally based on XML, but now additionally supports reports in JSON and CSV formats, as well as the original XML-based syntax. XBRL is also increasingly used in its Inline XBRL variant, which embeds XBRL tags into an HTML document. One common use of XBRL is the exchange of financial information, such as in a company's annual financial report. The XBRL standard is developed and published by XBRL International, Inc. (XII).
SDXF is a data serialization format defined by RFC 3072. It allows arbitrary structured data of different types to be assembled in one file for exchanging between arbitrary computers.
The PBCore metadata standard was created by the public broadcasting community in the United States of America for use by public broadcasters and related communities that manage audiovisual assets, including libraries, archives, independent producers, etc. PBCore is organized as a set of specified fields that can be used in database applications, and it can be used as a data model for media cataloging and asset management systems. As an XML schema, PBCore enables data exchange between media collections, systems and organizations.
A metadata registry is a central location in an organization where metadata definitions are stored and maintained in a controlled method.
The Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) is a standards developing organization (SDO) dealing with medical research data linked with healthcare, to "enable information system interoperability to improve medical research and related areas of healthcare". The standards support medical research from protocol through analysis and reporting of results and have been shown to decrease resources needed by 60% overall and 70–90% in the start-up stages when they are implemented at the beginning of the research process.
Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW), sometimes seen as Catalogue Service - Web, is a standard for exposing a catalogue of geospatial records in XML on the Internet. The catalogue is made up of records that describe geospatial data, geospatial services, and related resources.
An entity–attribute–value model (EAV) is a data model optimized for the space-efficient storage of sparse—or ad-hoc—property or data values, intended for situations where runtime usage patterns are arbitrary, subject to user variation, or otherwise unforeseeable using a fixed design. The use-case targets applications which offer a large or rich system of defined property types, which are in turn appropriate to a wide set of entities, but where typically only a small, specific selection of these are instantiated for a given entity. Therefore, this type of data model relates to the mathematical notion of a sparse matrix. EAV is also known as object–attribute–value model, vertical database model, and open schema.
The Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) is an XML-based bibliographic description schema developed by the United States Library of Congress' Network Development and Standards Office. MODS was designed as a compromise between the complexity of the MARC format used by libraries and the extreme simplicity of Dublin Core metadata.
GeoRSS is a specification for encoding location as part of a Web feed. (Web feeds are used to describe feeds of content, such as news articles, Audio blogs, video blogs and text blog entries. These web feeds are rendered by programs such as aggregators and web browsers.) The name "GeoRSS" is derived from RSS, the most known Web feed and syndication format.
C-squares is a system of spatially unique, location-based identifiers (geocodes) for areas on the surface of the earth, represented as cells from a latitude- and longitude-based Discrete Global Grid at a hierarchical set of resolution steps, obtained by progressively subdividing 10×10 degree World Meteorological Organization squares; the term "c-square" is also available for use to designate any component cell of the grid. Individual cell identifiers incorporate literal values of latitude and longitude in an interleaved notation, together with additional digits that support intermediate grid resolutions of 5, 0.5, 0.05 degrees, etc.
The Open Packaging Conventions (OPC) is a container-file technology initially created by Microsoft to store a combination of XML and non-XML files that together form a single entity such as an Open XML Paper Specification (OpenXPS) document. OPC-based file formats combine the advantages of leaving the independent file entities embedded in the document intact and resulting in much smaller files compared to normal use of XML.
The Open Geospatial Consortium Web Coverage Service Interface Standard (WCS) defines Web-based retrieval of coverages – that is, digital geospatial information representing space/time-varying phenomena.
A file format is a standard way that information is encoded for storage in a computer file. It specifies how bits are used to encode information in a digital storage medium. File formats may be either proprietary or free.
The FAO geopolitical ontology is an ontology developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to describe, manage and exchange data related to geopolitical entities such as countries, territories, regions and other similar areas.
EPUB is an e-book file format that uses the ".epub" file extension. The term is short for electronic publication and is sometimes stylized as ePub. EPUB is supported by many e-readers, and compatible software is available for most smartphones, tablets, and computers. EPUB is a technical standard published by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). It became an official standard of the IDPF in September 2007, superseding the older Open eBook (OEB) standard.
In computing, Open Data Protocol (OData) is an open protocol that allows the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable Web service APIs in a standard way. Microsoft initiated OData in 2007. Versions 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 are released under the Microsoft Open Specification Promise. Version 4.0 was standardized at OASIS, with a release in March 2014. In April 2015 OASIS submitted OData v4 and OData JSON Format v4 to ISO/IEC JTC 1 for approval as an international standard. In December 2016, ISO/IEC published OData 4.0 Core as ISO/IEC 20802-1:2016 and the OData JSON Format as ISO/IEC 20802-2:2016.
The Registry Interchange Format - Collections and Services (RIF-CS) is an XML vocabulary for representing metadata about data collections and related entities based on ISO 2146.