Yeoman (software)

Last updated
Original author(s) Google
Developer(s) Addy Osmani, [1] Paul Irish, [2] Eric Bidelman, [3] Sindre Sorhus, [4] Simon Boudrias, [5] Pascal Hartig [6]
Initial release22 August 2013;10 years ago (2013-08-22) [7]
Stable release
3.1.1 / 27 November 2019;4 years ago (2019-11-27) [8]
Written in JavaScript
Operating system Linux, macOS, Windows
Platform Node.js
Type Web development tool
License BSD-2-Clause [9] [10]

Yeoman is an open source client-side scaffolding tool for web applications. Yeoman runs as a command-line interface written for Node.js and combines several functions into one place, such as generating a starter template, managing dependencies, running unit tests, providing a local development server, and optimizing production code for deployment.


Yeoman was released at Google I/O 2012.


Yeoman combines several open source tools in an attempt to streamline many aspects of the web development process.

Using a "generator" concept inspired by Ruby on Rails, [11] Yeoman first creates a basic project structure with vendor libraries included. The most basic Yeoman generator supplies the HTML5 Boilerplate, Normalize.css, the jQuery JavaScript library, and Modernizr as a basic template for developers. Yeoman also runs interactively, asking the developer if they would like additional components such as Twitter Bootstrap or RequireJS (a library to support Asynchronous Module Definition) included. More sophisticated generators exist, such as ones which scaffold out a client-side MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework, such as the AngularJS or Backbone JavaScript libraries. Yeoman is meant to be modular such that anyone can design a generator to create a template for a particular type of project. [12] More than 5600 generators [13] have been created by the open source community.

Beyond providing a template to scaffold projects, Yeoman also helps with intermediary phases of web application development. Yeoman lints code for potential problems using JSHint, runs unit tests, and provides a development server for working on an application. Finally, Yeoman also offers a build automation process featuring optimizations such as minification and concatenation of script files. All of these features use pre-configured tasks for the Grunt JavaScript task runner.

Yeoman is an open source project whose code is hosted on GitHub. [14] Some of the primary contributors are on the Google Chrome Developer Relations team, such as Addy Osmani, Paul Irish, and Eric Bidelman. [15]

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Svelte is a free and open-source front-end component framework and language created by Rich Harris and maintained by the Svelte core team members. Svelte is not a monolithic JavaScript library imported by applications: instead, Svelte compiles HTML templates to specialized code that manipulates the DOM directly, which may reduce the size of transferred files and give better client performance. Application code is also processed by the compiler, inserting calls to automatically recompute data and re-render UI elements when the data they depend on is modified. This also avoids the overhead associated with runtime intermediate representations, such as virtual DOM, unlike traditional frameworks which carry out the bulk of their work at runtime, i.e. in the browser.

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Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects the features available in a user's browser. This lets web pages avoid unsupported features by informing the user their browser is not supported or loading a polyfill. Modernizr aims to provide feature detection in a consistent and easy to use manner that discourages the use of failure-prone browser sniffing.

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Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequent tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. It uses a command-line interface to run custom tasks defined in a file. Grunt was created by Ben Alman and is written in Node.js. It is distributed via npm. As of October 2022, there were more than 6,000 plugins available in the Grunt ecosystem.

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  1. "Commits by addyosmani · yeoman/yo". GitHub . Retrieved 2020-12-31.
  2. "Commits by paulirish · yeoman/yo". GitHub . Retrieved 2020-12-31.
  3. "Commits by ebidel · yeoman/yo". GitHub . Retrieved 2020-12-31.
  4. "Commits by sindresorhus · yeoman/yo". GitHub . Retrieved 2020-12-31.
  5. "Commits by SBoudrias · yeoman/yo". GitHub . Retrieved 2020-12-31.
  6. "Commits by passy · yeoman/yo". GitHub . Retrieved 2020-12-31.
  7. "Release Date of Version 1.0.0" . Retrieved 2020-12-31.
  8. "Releases · yeoman/yo". GitHub . Retrieved 2020-12-31.
  9. "LICENSE file on GitHub". GitHub . Retrieved 2020-12-31.
  10. "License field from browserify - npm" . Retrieved 2020-12-31.
  11. Osmani, Addy. July 3rd, 2012. "Saving Time With Rails-Inspired Generators Yeoman Generators."
  12., "Generate a Generator." Accessed July 30, 2013.
  13. "The web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps | Yeoman". Retrieved 2020-03-08.
  14. "yeoman/yo". GitHub . Retrieved 26 January 2014.
  15. "Contributors to yeoman/yo". GitHub . Retrieved 26 January 2014.