York virtuosi

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Memorial of Iohn Etty, Carpenter in All Saints' Memorial to John Etty (18373251064).jpg
Memorial of Iohn Etty, Carpenter in All Saints'

The York Virtuosi were an informal group of antiquarians, artists and natural philosophers who gathered initially around Martin Lister in York between 1670 and 1683.

They were "at the height of their powers" towards the end of the century, [1] and in this group may be seen the roots of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society (founded 1822) which followed the example of newly founded societies in Leeds, Sheffield and Hull.

Among the group were: [2]

On the periphery of the group were

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  1. Malden, R.J., 1985. Elusive virtuosi – Thomas and Joshua Mann. York Historian, 6, pp. 43–55.
  2. Akehurst, Ann-Marie. "The very best of its kind out of the Metropolis". University of York. Archived from the original on 5 June 2011. Retrieved 16 September 2010.