Yves-Marie Adeline

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Yves-Marie Adeline Soret de Boisbrunet
Yves Marie Adeline.jpg
BornMarch 24, 1960
Poitiers, France
  • Philosopher
  • author
  • politician

Yves-Marie Adeline Soret de Boisbrunet (born March 24, 1960, in Poitiers, France) better known as Yves-Marie Adeline, is a French Catholic writer. He also was the founder and leader of the French political party, Alliance Royale. [1]



He is the father of eight. He taught at the University of Poitiers from 1986 till 1989, then left the university and alternated between writing books and collaboration in political office. He teaches today once more history of political ideas in various centers of higher education.


His philosophic work concerns three areas of research: in general philosophy, in aesthetics and in politics. In his book Le Carré des philosophes (the square of philosophers), he builds a " philosophic square " sides of which are four propositions: Science, Existence, Presence, and Will. The proposition "Existence" is original: Adeline distinguishes the being of the existence itself; according to him, existence is a dimension of the being. So we can say : the time exists, or a body exists, but a soul does not exist, it "is" only, it is without existing, without existence. The presence in the man of a power recovering from the being but not from the existence shows itself by the Will. Adeline wants it to be the criterion of distinction between the man and quite other creature. Adeline considers the will as typically human, rather than the consciousness, of which he considers that it is a little sure concept in philosophy. The will is on the contrary the demonstration of a being in the man, this nonexistent being which shows that a man is not only an object of existence.

Yves - Marie Adeline's aesthetic works update the doctrine of Empedocles according to whom " only the same knows the same ", but also the aristotelian finalism, according to which the best expert of a saddle is not the craftsman, but the rider. In his book "La Musique et le monde" (music and world), he fights against the official doctrine of the so-called "contemporary music", asserting that this music has been conceived on an exclusively theoretical vision. In "L'Appel des sirènes" (the appeal of sirens), Adeline develops his thought and widens it to the plastic arts.

In "Le Pouvoir légitime" (the justifiable power), preferring good institutions to good leaders, he recommends " an abdication of each of us for the benefit of a common and wholesome principle ", and concludes that a modern monarchy is the best regime. Opponent of the maurrassism, or any other nationalism, he prefers Bonald, and advances the mixed regime (monarchy - aristocracy - democracy).

Yves-Marie Adeline is also a poet : L'Epouse (the wife); Le Manteau d'étoiles (the coat of stars); Radieuse hostie (radiant host); Les Angéliques (angelica).

He has been the president of Alliance Royale, the French royalist party. Candidate with the European elections in 2004, then candidate with presidential election in 2007, he did not obtain the 500 votes of the mayors. With the municipal elections of March 2008 in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, he got 0.96%. He has since resigned the political militancy.


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