Zosimus, Zosimos, Zosima or Zosimas may refer to:
Simeon is a given name, from the Hebrew שמעון, usually transliterated as Shimon. In Greek, it is written Συμεών, hence the Latinized spelling Symeon. It is a cognate of the name Simon.
The name Dionysius was common in classical and post-classical times. Etymologically it is a nominalized adjective formed with a -ios suffix from the stem Dionys- of the name of the Greek god, Dionysus, parallel to Apollon-ios from Apollon, with meanings of Dionysos' and Apollo's, etc. The exact beliefs attendant on the original assignment of such names remain unknown.
Macarius is a Latinized form of the old Greek given name Makários (Μακάριος), meaning "happy, fortunate, blessed"; compare the Latin beatus and felix. Ancient Greeks applied the epithet Makarios to the gods.
Sep. 18 - Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - Sep. 20
March 29 - Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - March 31
April 3 - Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - April 5
Apr. 23 - Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - Apr. 25
Apr. 30 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - May 2.
May 11 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - May 13
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June 18 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - June 20
August 7 - Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - August 9
November 6 - Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - November 8
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January 23 - Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - January 25
Abraham is a given name of Hebrew background, originating with the Biblical patriarch ; the father of the Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
August 26 - Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - August 28
December 25 – Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar – December 27