369 (number)

Last updated
368 369 370
Cardinal three hundred sixty-nine
Ordinal 369th
(three hundred sixty-ninth)
Factorization 32 × 41
Divisors 1, 3, 9, 41, 123, 369
Greek numeral ΤΞΘ´
Roman numeral CCCLXIX
Binary 1011100012
Ternary 1112003
Senary 14136
Octal 5618
Duodecimal 26912
Hexadecimal 17116

369 (three hundred [and] sixty-nine) is the natural number following 368 and preceding 370.

In mathematics

369 is the magic constant of the 9 × 9 magic square [1] [2] and the n-Queens Problem for n = 9. [2]

There are 369 free octominoes (polyominoes of order 8). [3] [4]

369 is a Ruth-Aaron Pair with 370. The sums of their prime factors are equivalent. [5]

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  1. Kraitchik, M (1942). "Magic Squares". Mathematical Recreations. New York: Norton. pp. 142–192.
  2. 1 2 Sequence A006003 in OEIS.
  3. Redelmeier, D. Hugh (1981). "Counting polyominoes: yet another attack". Discrete Mathematics. 36 (2): 191–203. doi: 10.1016/0012-365X(81)90237-5 .
  4. Sequence A000105 in OEIS.
  5. "Ruth-Aaron Pair". mathworld.wolfram.com.