Acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas

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Acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
Other namesAcinar cell carcinoma
Acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas - very high mag.jpg
Micrograph of an acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas. H&E stain.
Specialty Oncology

Acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas, also acinar cell carcinoma, is a rare malignant exocrine tumour of the pancreas. It represents 5% of all exocrine tumours of the pancreas, making it the second most common type of pancreatic cancer. [1] It is abbreviated ACC. It typically has a guarded prognosis.


Signs and symptoms

CT scan in a patient with acinar cell carcinoma Azinuszellkarzinom des Pankreasschwanz - CT axial 001.jpg
CT scan in a patient with acinar cell carcinoma

The disease is more common in men than women and the average age at diagnosis is about 60. [2] Symptoms are often non-specific and include weight loss. A classic presentation, found in around 15% of cases includes subcutaneous nodules (due to fat necrosis) and arthralgias, caused by a release of lipase. [2]


ACC is associated with increased serum lipase and manifests in the classic presentation known as the Schmid triad (subcutaneous fat necrosis, polyarthritis, eosinophilia). [3]

ACC are typically large, up to 10 cm, and soft compared to pancreatic adenocarcinoma, lacking its dense stroma. They can arise in any part of the pancreas. [2]

Histomorphologically, the tumour resembles the cells of the pancreatic acini and, typically, have moderate granular cytoplasm that stain with both PAS and PASD. [4]


Light microscopy of acinar cell carcinoma. Histopathology of acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas.jpg
Light microscopy of acinar cell carcinoma.
Relative incidences of various pancreatic neoplasms, with acinar cell carcinoma annotated near top right. Relative incidence of pancreatic neoplasms.png
Relative incidences of various pancreatic neoplasms, with acinar cell carcinoma annotated near top right.

Light microscopy of an acinar cell carcinoma biopsy typically shows granular appearance. [6] Immunohistochemistry is usually positive for trypsin, chymotrypsin and lipase. [6] On genetic testing, altered genes/proteins are typically found for p53, SMAD4, APC, ARID1A and GNAS. [6]


ACC can be treated with a Whipple procedure or (depending on the location within the pancreas) with left partial resection of pancreas.[ citation needed ]

See also

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  2. 1 2 3 Von Hoff": Daniel D. Von Hoff, Douglas Brian Evans, Ralph H. Hruban, eds. Pancreatic Cancer, 2005, Jones & Bartlett Learning, ISBN   0763721786, 9780763721787
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    Diagram by Mikael Häggström, M.D.
  6. 1 2 3 Pishvaian MJ, Brody JR (2017). "Therapeutic Implications of Molecular Subtyping for Pancreatic Cancer". Oncology (Williston Park). 31 (3): 159–66, 168. PMID   28299752.