Alliance for Freedom and Democracy

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Alliance for Freedom and Democracy
Founded22 May 2006 in the Netherlands [1]
Ideology Anti-authoritarianism
Oromo nationalism
Somali nationalism
Sidama self-determination
Ethiopian nationalism
Ethnic federalism
National affiliation OLF

The Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (AFD) is an Ethiopian political alliance formed 22 May 2006 from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), the Sidama National Liberation Front (SNLF), the Coalition for Unity and Democracy (CUD), and the Ethiopian People's Patriotic Front (EPPF, also known as Arbegnoch Gimbar or Patriot's Front).



It was created when the leaders from the OLF called on all parties of what is currently[ when? ] the AFD and a few others that turned down the offer, to form an Alliance to coordinate their efforts in toppling the EPRDF government led by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. Another opposition group, UEDF, was once part of it until it left the coalition.[ citation needed ]

People's Alliance for Freedom and Democracy

An overlapping but distinct coalition held its first meeting from 21–25 March 2016 in Asmara, grouping together the OLF, the ONLF, the SNLF, the Gambela People's Liberation Movement, and the Benishangul People's Liberation Movement. [2]

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  1. "Ethiopian emerging democracy and the recent opposition Alliance". Sudan Tribune . Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  2. "UNPO: Asmara Hosts the First Congress of PAFD". Underrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization . 2016-03-30. Archived from the original on 2021-11-06. Retrieved 12 May 2017.